He's right, you know

He's right, you know
>Yes, Abby does some terrible things. But Ellie does much, much worse, shows far less mercy and causes much more collateral damage. I don’t think either are heroes, but I do not believe Abby deserves nearly the amount of hate that she’s getting as people play the game. No, she may not have the charisma of Ellie or Joel and may not be one of gaming’s all-time great characters, but she is the only thing saving this story from being a very dull, stock revenge tale, viewed entirely from Ellie’s side.
>Keep this in mind as you finish the game, or if you decide to play it again. Abby deserves more consideration than she’s being given.

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I like how
>If you kill him, you'll be just like him!
has devolved further into
>If you kill him, you'll be WORST than him!

>Abby shows enjoyment when she hears that Dina is pregnant and is about to kill her
>Ellie shows regret when she finds out about Mel

Simply by virtue of Ellie not killing Abby she is a better person than Abby. Because Ellie didn't get revenge. While Abby did.

So no. Abby's a bitch.

Abby shows no remorse for anything though.

Abby is unironically the best character in the game.
>Joel and Tommy are barely in it
>Ellie is distilled to being angry and wanting revenge
>Jesse is alright but he's barely in it and doesn't do jack shit
>Dina is the worst
>Lev is a literal tranny
>Yara doesn't do anything
>Abby's friends vary from tolerable but barely present and annoying
You literally cannot dispute this

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>If you kill your enemies, they win

Abby spared Ellie twice
Once after she killed her husbando

Why is Forbes shilling this game so hard? Not even vydia outlets are going through this effort.

Only plebs don't see how this ending is the highest degree of kino.

>Joel and Tommy are barely in it
Because they are quickly dispatched. By Abby.
>Ellie is distilled to being angry and wanting revenge
Because of Abby.
>Jesse is alright but he's barely in it and doesn't do jack shit
And he is killed off. By Abby.
>Dina is the worst
No argument there.
>Lev is a literal tranny
No argument there.
>Yara doesn't do anything
>Abby's friends vary from tolerable but barely present and annoying

Now what you missed. Abby is responable for every shitty thing to happen to everybody in the game. at least Ellie fucking winces and feels like shit for hearing about how she just killed a pregnant woman.
Abby finds out Dina's Preggo and relishes in it.

Abby's second only to Dina who didn't need to exist.

If you're so willing to reject every character from the original game, what did you even like about the original one in the first place? It's literally a character driven narrative. The actual game play was always mediocre. If you weren't getting attached to the characters, what the fuck were you doing?

Would Zig Forums like Abby if she looked like the original?

Attached: abby_2.jpg (550x678, 54K)

Abby was happy to attempt to kill a pregnant woman.
Ellie felt like shit when she did the same thing unintentionally

Abby was the cause of every problem both Ellie and Abby Faced.

If he's talking about all of Abby's friends that Ellie killed then it's kinda bullshit, they all tried to kill her first. In pretty much every case it seemed like Ellie was going to let them live too, then they tried grabbing her knife/gun.

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Only aestetically.

>>Joel and Tommy are barely in it
>Because they are quickly dispatched. By Abby
Tommy's in the entire fucking game retard

who fucking cares? abby is a disgusting tranny.

She's just written to be the villain.
It's okay to fuck up the villain's shit.
It's just that modern writers can't resist making villains overly sympathetic until it totally gets out of control. And this is the ultimate culmination of that sentimentality.

>If he's talking about all of Abby's friends that Ellie killed then it's kinda bullshit, they all tried to kill her first
How has this game attracted so many posters who haven't played it? Is it because it's an easy target?

You people are acting like my grandmother talking about soap operas. You're literally fucking faggots.

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>take a generic masculine revenge story with two PoVs
>make both leads women
>it works just as badly as you'd expect

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If I kill him, he'd be dead.

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Don't these motherfuckers see how manipulative this game is? It's not clever to give one character a million pet the dog moments to show how swell she is when we literally saw her torture a man to death! It's as deep as fallout 3s karma mechanics! Just pay a random hobo 500 caps and suddenly your genociding ass is a messiah!

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The man who killed her Dad and ruined the one chance humanity had at a cure?

Okay, I want all of you to imagine playing the fist game in reverse. Joel massacres the entire building full of the only “good” faction in the game to save a girl and then you play as this psycho. That’s Abby. She committed the crime before her character development so she was irredeemable from the start. And the Ellie LETS HER LIVE.


How many times are you going to repost this fucking thread?

Yeah but people actually like Ellie while Abby could be completely written out and only a few trannys would care.

That doesn't make sense you idiot, Abby spared the pregnant woman. Ellie didn't.
It's about actions.

Fuck TLOU2
Gaming is dead

Nooo you alt right incel chuds! It's FORGIVENESS!!!!!!!!! Can't you tell they're polar opposites!?

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