What video games make me feel like I'm always in the morally correct?
What video games make me feel like I'm always in the morally correct?
alkemanubis is based
alkemanubis art style is cringe
the internet was a mistake. humans werent evolved for it.
>draws highly suggestive/sexualized art of prepubescent girls
Seems pretty based
But how will we know where we're going if we kill the maps?
Not everyone has a good sense of direction.
>Hmm I wonder why you'd bring this up out of nowhere...
Yup, every time, it's a roastie seething that the lolicon is a way better artist than her.
>another twitter screencap thread
Is this the lowest effort "content" on Zig Forums?
Cool, thanks for the rec
Twittertrannies are absolutely mental about this shit
But actual CP is just fine
Being against loli just means you are an actual pedophile.
Didn't you just get this thread deleted on Zig Forums?
Fuck off.
Even worse, it's a tranny.
Damn, thanks for letting me know, random twitter nobody. Gonna go look at some cunny now.
>Artist attacking other artist
Is the art community like this?
Funny how they always have worse art than the people they attack
>pronouns on profile
Offucking course
Why does she think anyone would want to hire a snitch? I don't like loli either, but I can just ignore it.
left looks better
Trannies abuse underage boys
Why are roasties like this?
Crab mentality.
Can't stand to see other artists succeed or at least do better than them.
It must be a horrible feeling to be a worst artist than Hitler.
>live in canada so I can't draw loli
>What video games make me feel like I'm always in the morally correct?
...English really isn't your thing, is it?
It's just a woman/tranny thing
trannies will groom teens on discord and criticise loli on twitter all at once
Never ever, tranny
Why do you faggots constantly bring Twitter here. I stopped going to Twitter for the very reason that everybody is trying to prove they're some moral compass and yet you still spam it. Fuck right off.
Twitter screencap posters deserve a permanent range ban.
How does this even happen? Do these people just randomly navigate twitter until they see something they don't like?
>encrypt everything on the PC
>24/7 on VPN
>little bit of game of pretend in the mix
Vola - now go do some loli.
you were definitely forced to click on this thread
>makes a fuss about fucking drawings
>still wants to be accepted for being a mentally ill mess who ruins the lives of those around them for being so disgusting
The fucking irony
The guy's in Uganda, hopefully a vigilantee sees that posts and mercs him to save the lives of some kids.
I live in France and I can't draw loli.
Except I will draw them anyway because fuck that shit, they will never enforce it.
X attacking X seems to be the norm now sadly
In the west? Absolute.y
In Japan artists of all kind organize events together and retweet each other a lot even when they draw vastly different kind of content.
Yes. The art community is largely made up of catty bitches who think they deserve the world handed to them and seek any reason to destroy anyone better than them.
Mostly with women and beta orbiters.
Whats their problem exactly? Why did they go out of their way to point this out when unprompted?
SJWs aren't artists.
Twitter art ‘community’. It’s an unholy cocktail of Discord, Tumblr and Deviantart.
In the west, yes.
Why do you think we'll never have a convention as big as comiket that's driven entirely by small artists and their surrounding communities in the west?
Because most western artists are petty faggots and any convention with more than 50k people would just be endless fucking drama.
What's the point in trying to avoid twitter if fuckwits keep bringing it here?
At this point I assume it's they get off to being offended.
Why are they always projecting?
I mean, nobody should defend pedos
>Pronouns in bio
Delete Twitter please, god.
Art community follows and retweets each other, so it's easy to pick up a trend or stumble upon a highly upvoted tweet. Sometimes SFW tweets from NSFW artists spill into the normie crowd like this.
there are french comics that have naked drawings of kids
are book/comic stores selling illegal material now?
So they can feel better about having absolutely no redeemable qualities or talents.
Okay, completely ignoring what that thing has to say about the dude's art, while I see the difference between the bad day and the "gooder" day, I feel like the bad day one looks better
That might be just me though
Draw non-lewd lolis until you can move to the US or Japan then draw all the lewd lolis you want
It’s not about the welfare of the drawings, it’s about breeding adults who sexualize children and allowing a subculture where they might thrive, unified only by their sexual attraction to committing a crime
The Art community is a fucking jungle user
hi psychicpebbles
fuck pedos, wtf are you thinking? I, for myself, prefer to see tranny sex in my screen tho
>be shitty tranny artist
>barely anybody gives a fuck about your shitty art
>see one of your followers RT some other guy's art with lots of likes
>get jelly because you crave that attention
>click on profile looking for defect so you can virtue signal
>make post
>get the attention you so much craved
Not that hard to figure out.
>that loser that shitposts on Zig Forums all day
>kill all minors
lefties are fucking stupid
thought crime is not illegal
Real talk, are you white?
Because only a white person would believe something this fucking stupid.
This. Reminder that Zig Forums Reiko exists, and all "rent-free" and "discord boogiemans" posters can jump off a bridge
A lot of them push the anime = pedo narrative in order to confuse people/gov into either making anime illegal OR making pedoshit somewhat more accepted
They win either way.
>twitter trying to attack and cancel everyone that doesn't share their beliefs
What the fuck is wrong with that site? Why are they like that?
Just destroy Twitter yourself
kinda based
Why are westoids like this?
so basically some soccer moms slippery slope fallacy that only exists in her head. Got it, you are a monkey incapable of critical thinking and live in fear or whatifs
Thats right. Actual pedos user, fictional character doing fictional things is not the same as real people involved in real scenarios. One is exploitative and the other isnt, thats why one is a crime and the other is merely detestable.
>sharing loli porn
Who is more likely to steal food, the starving man or the well-fed man?
Too many white people and women.
So you think black people would allow people to masturbate to effigies of their children?
Every research done on pornography shows that the legalization of pornography in a country is always followed by a steep decline in sexual crimes.
The few research available on the legalization of loli pornography shows the same decline in child abuse.
If you actually cared about children, you would be in favor of loli pornography.
maps are the ones who want to fuck them.
I don't see how they can make that kind of connection in their mind.
>Oh, so you're okay with completely fictional characters that look like children? I guess you don't mind me having sex with your daughter in the gender neutral bathrooms then, huh?
It's illegal now, yes.
I will probably avoid posting naked lolis on my pixiv until I can move out of this hellhole.
Do you really want to police thoughts?
>check to see the artists work
>i'm already following them
>all the people in the replies saying "I didn't know I was following him, unfollowing now thx for letting me know :)" after being tagged
The clearest depiction none of these monkeys can't think for themselves and will do whatever the masses do and say, I can fucking guarantee you most of them are into loli but saved face at the last second
>tumblr art style
>most likely a tranny
when are people going to learn to condemn these people on sight
nothing good ever comes from them
this dude had a little too much of cheese pizza.
No, I want to elucidate people’s concerns
Video games?
>child drawer set his account to private
what a pussy
Oh sweet user, look up Anish Kapoor if you want to see some prime time artist behavior
I am black.
I have never in my life met someone who gets as asshurt at drawings as white people do.
Usually people just find it gross or weird.
But, I live in the ghetto, where 12 year olds in my middle school class were dating and fucking guys in their 20s, so that might explain it.
See, in the real world, people realize that there IS a greater evil than drawings, because we're not sheltered faggots like you.
If I have to choose between a pedo jerking off to loli drawings or a pedo fucking actual 12 year olds, I'll take the former any day of the week, because I'm not white enough (and thus stupid enough) to think that banning shit is going to get rid of people I don't like.
So is Twitter a game or something where you're just constantly on edge looking for something to tell your followers they should be upset about?
And I hope this guy is getting called out for having that knowledge in the first place.
Fuck degenerates, but who is this cunt, the moral patrol? i thought religious types did that
MadThad definitely would
An "adult" mentally weak enough to get pushed to an actual crime through fiction, was never going to be a normal person in the first place and would have snapped at some point or another through some other means. You can't bubble wrap the world in an attempt to prevent these people from snapping.
Hey man just because your children are being preyed upon in the open on a daily basis does not mean other people can’t try to keep a lid on it
this is a bait thread and mods are too stupid to delete it
>I didn't know what this artist did but I still followed them for reasons
Bull fucking shit they didn't know. These people are beyond hypocritical and transparent.
>pedos are so mentally fucked that they can't keep it just thoughts and will rape children if they don't get porn
So they just be shot on sight then because they clearly they are wild animals.
Not even a pedo but I'm looking at this dudes art right now and it's genuinely great work, holy shit I wish I could color and paint shit that well god damn
>see someone better than you
>attack them and attempt to discourage them
From my experience, Zig Forums-- aside from maybe /ic/-- possibly the most forgiving art community on the internet. You can litetally draw like shit and noone will bat an eye because content is content.
In fact, the only time I've ever really seen posters here tear into someones art is when the artist's conduct outside of what they create comes into question.
Pretty ironic.
You even see them making guest drawings in others doujinshi or two vastly different artists publishing their two works in one book; probably because through dick, unity.
>eurofags in Zig Forums keep making threads talking about how france gets away with everything and that's they're better
>now they're legally unable to do so and america still can
Damn, girl has an impressive 5 o'clock shadow
you should explain to those people that fiction is different than reality. Killing in a video game doesn't make you a murderer, right?
Only white people are stupid enough to think banning drawings is "putting a lid on" children being preyed upon.
Ehh, whatever, I don't live in your flyover shithole anyways so it's of no concern to me.
Yes, just a week ago a bunch of trannies were seething on twitter about Helltaker because, and I'm not joking, it's popular. And every artist that complained about it tried to link their tumblr under it, these people get infuriated over the notion of other artists being successful.
>slippery slope is only a fallacy when its something I like
Pedophiles are pretty based, not gonna lie.
Isn't he out now
Lol, did France pass a new law or something?
That's hilarious, thank god for the first amendment.
And thank god I don't live in some flyover shithole.
>using twitter in the first place
i shiggily piggily
>This artist draws highly suggestive/sexualized art of prepubescent girls
Yes, and that's art. Literally and unironically art