Japan's favorite vidya girls 2020:

1. Mary (Pokemon)
2. Abigail Williams (FGO)
3. Inkling (Splatoon)
4. Edna (Tales of)
5. Caroline (Persona)
6. Sherry (Resident Evil 2 Remake)
7. Charlotte Fenia (Granblue)
8. Sunny (Revengeance)
9. Usalia (Disgaea)
10. Nowi (Fire Emblem)

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cute and funny list

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good thread
good thread

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I want Marnie to fuck my face.

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>7. Charlotte Fenia (Granblue)
worst potato
probably worst girl in the game

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Why is Japan so easily swayed by flavor of the month things? Every poll they have for favorites over there and the most recent things are on always on top.

>Marnie dethroned Lillie


calling bullshit on that

>8. Sunny (Revengeance)
fake and funny

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pretty based

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What is the appeal of Marnie? I mean she's okay but she's certainly not number one of all girls. For cute and for loli there are far better choices.

I hope this means we can finally get another alt for her on FEH.

>>charlotta at number 7
she's so fucking awful and might be THE worst character in the entire game, and is DEFINITELY the worst Harvin

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Oh yeah totally, that's why Kira Yamato spent 10 fucking years at the top of every single Newtype polls

Source: Your ass

cute tsundere goth girl
yuri with yuri

>Revengeance Sunny is number 8
If that's true why does she have no content?

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Imagine being her companion and she tells you she needs to pee while adventuring

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she has mimi for that though

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I will also take care of Mimi's pee

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if you say so

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Why is she so sexy bros?

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ongoing comedy gold that people actually play that.

Not that one though that one is too old, give me 12 year old Totori

>1. Mary (Pokemon)
>2. Abigail Williams (FGO)
>3. Inkling (Splatoon)
>4. Edna (Tales of)
>5. Caroline (Persona)
>6. Sherry (Resident Evil 2 Remake)
>7. Charlotte Fenia (Granblue)
>8. Sunny (Revengeance)
>9. Usalia (Disgaea)
>10. Nowi (Fire Emblem)

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She was never 12 she was 13, and 14 outside of japan.

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Fivehead and only has the big puffy body clothing that's loose and easy to pull up

How the?

How does he do it bros?

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It's not a real list. Just a bunch of loli. Sherry is fucking ugly.

fucking hot

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Name a more pleasant pairing. Protip: you can't.

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You should at least toss Saber and some SAO characters in to make it a little believable

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Yeah, don't forget Inklings also look grotesque in the actual game itself.

Still sexy

Took me a minute to realize what you did there kek

I thought sophie and plachta were nice, and then rorona getting with sterk after 20 years of waiting was cute.

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Despite being only 14 years old, the twins are really sexy


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They're also the only time duo protags worked, logy and lotte might as well not even be protags as far as their games are concerned.

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