it has become apparent that Sakurai prioritizes fighters who are absolutely nothing like the rest of the roster. The first 7 dlc fighters are all very unique, with very little gameplay similarities to other fighters at their core beyond basic engine limits, like a character with a sword or knife attacking the same as others with a sword or knife. As such we can start deconfirming fighters by principal;
Crash: literally just runs jumps and spins, zero moveset potential
Rayman: exactly the same as Mario, his uniqueness comes from the worlds he explores, he himself is generic and bland
Dante: just bayonetta with a sword
Master Chief / Doomguy: everything they do is covered by Samus and Snake
Geno: Timed attacks are unlike anything else in the game, definitely in
Urshifu: The dlc pokemon's gimmick of switching between two different fighting styles makes him the de facto shillmon
these are facts. denying them is unhealthy and can only lead to further suffering.