Mario Thread

What is the best Mario on switch?

When will Odyssee get more content?

This, and more, in the....

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Other urls found in this thread:

>best Mario
Odyssey, with + Rabbids as the best spinoff.
>Odyssey more content
Never at this point. Cross your fingers for Odyssey 2.

Mario Galaxy is actually the worst 3D Mario

Mario 64 > Odyssey > Sunshine >3D Land > Galaxy 2 > 3D World > Galaxy

The Mario Galaxy games are basically the 3D sonics of the Mario franchise, all style no substance. The music is nice, they look nice, the looks look cool and seem cool in concept, but you never actually do a fuck of a lot and the game is always retard easy and insanely linear and simple the entire way through.

I feel like Galaxy is only so well regarded because it was an early wii game and the wii was a fucking phenomenon. But the game itself has not aged gracefully and truthfully was never that great to begin with. Galaxy 2 is a little better, but still suffers from a lot of the same issues as the first game just as a result of the core design of the Galaxy games.

>Galaxy 3
please fucking no

why would someone do this? Just go on the into a mario thread and claim a mario thread is not good?


good taste and good post, although I didn’t think the music in galaxy was all that great

No sweaty, 3D World is the worst.

>the looks look cool and seem cool in concept
The Levels* look cool and seem cool in concept


At least 3D world has multiplayer and the bonus world where it feels like a real game for a bit as far as difficulty is concerned.