Reviewer Bias Quantified

Hi Zig Forums, the recent controversy around the metacritic scores of both TLOU2 and Spongebob Rehydrated convinced me to make a video on the subject of reviewer bias. I am not done with it yet but decided to share some of the results of this research I have been conducting on it.
After looking at and comparing the Metacritic and user review scores of nearly 4,000 games I found some interesting trends that I think Zig Forums would find interesting.
First off, the bias reviewers have for and against certain genres.
Keep in mind this is using a review system out of 100. As expected 3D platformers get reviewed lower by critics than fans while both 1st person walking sims and cinematic 3rd person shooters tend to get much higher scores than what videogame fans feel they deserve.
I hope to add more genres to this list over time and make a comprehensiveness list of reviewer bias that could be used to help people get a better idea of a game's true value.

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Shut the fuck up

Oops, wrong image. Meant to start with this one first.
Too bad Drunkman

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Will this let me shit post at a reasonably higher quality?

Yes. You will be able to use objective statistical data to shit on games which will make fanboys seethe even more.

People that give "official" reviews to video-games are failed movie critics and failed journalists.
That's why they give high scores to normie shit, walking simulators, movie "games", etc.
While at the same time shunning actual good games. They aren't gaymers and reviewing is only their job not their hobby

This could be pretty interesting if you go all out with it. I'm actually pretty interested in your results

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This one I found the most interested. As time goes on reviewers give out higher and higher review scores compared to user scores. From year 1996 to 2008 users review games more critically than users, 2009 onward it flips to reviewers reviewing games more positively.

Attached: meta scores.png (799x598, 36.61K)

Ah so you're research basically says that most journos belongs the same peer group and basically likes same things
Yep that's basically it right?

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how'd you get the data from metacritic? Do they have a public api?