>11 years since the last mainline game
>a little over a week since the trailer dropped
>zero discussion about weapons, gameplay mechanics, story, lore
>every thread lives or dies based on shitty, furbait, deviantART cringe
Can you faggots not ruin this? Talk about Ratchet and Clank
Rift Apart
Other urls found in this thread:
A crack in time was not 11 years ago faggot.
Oh god I hope it wasn't
I fail to see the point in rifts desu unless there's a cool outer space gimmick to them, they might as well not be there.
What is there to discuss? I guess its neat that the PS5 can quick load in all these small segments of worlds really fast.
Other than that what do we know?
What is the point of this?
good question
>Why is the universe falling apart?
>WTF you can ride animals now¿
>There's set pieces in game
>NPC's are everywhere
>Nefarious again
>only threads about furrybait shovelware are furfag trash threads
wow, what a suprise
Fuck off, Trashcan.
Stop trying to force your own mindset of discussion it makes you look like an angry tourist from either a social media outlet or reddit.