Are you buying Etna's new game?

Are you buying Etna's new game?

Attached: 82533469_p4.jpg (2240x1680, 1.07M)

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Cant believe NIS is fucking dead

Ive seen this guy post his work, but why arent the battle sprites of etna, flonne, ect?

Etna's a cutie but I don't play autism simulators.

God damn I love flat chests

Built for BBC

whatever this is, it just comes off as lazy bullshit so no

This looks like some RPG maker trash, what is this and how dare they use Etna for their dogshit?

Wait what the fuck is this?
Why does it use so many public assets?
How does it have Etna?

Attached: worry.jpg (192x245, 9.82K)

This seems like a good place to ask.

When does Disgaea 5 get good? I bought it a few days ago.