>title screen changes appearance as you make you way through the game
What games do this?
>title screen changes appearance as you make you way through the game
What games do this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Torchlight 2 i think does that
kotor 2,
Halo Reach
God Eater3
Spec Ops
At least some of the Mario Kart games change when you beat them.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
>game fucks up your pc if you try to use cheats
God I love Miko!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me too
gravity rush 2
Life is Strange
Tell me about Miko
Why does her voice sound like a baby
Spec Ops The Line
Metal Gear Solid 2 (At the end, Snake’s face on the title switches to Raiden’s, and the UI turns blue.)
No More Heroes 2 (Travis is swapped with Shinobu if you visit the title screen during her two special levels)
Last Of Us Part II (Hate for this game aside, probably one of the best title screens in recent memory. After beating the game the title screen shows the same boat in the ocean, but it’s daytime, low tide, and the ocean is revealed to simply be a shoreline.)
These are all I can remember for now.
Give me 6 good reasons why it's bad to discuss vtubers on /jp/, a board dedicated to otaku and japanese culture.
A topic like this is permitted and doesn't get deleted unlike posting it on Zig Forums.
tlou2 but only when you beat it
idk if it does when you beat ng+
bravely default
First give me 1 reason why you care so much that you post in every vtuber thread.
Half Life 2 did this right?
Say something nice about the Chama right now
Not only are vtubers ecelebs, they’re FAKE ecelebs. It’s such a dumb gimmick to me. Like, I think it’s cute, but I can’t take vtubers seriously. This and weebs insistence on never learning Japanese just makes me want to laugh at all of them. How can you like a YouTuber who A) doesn’t have a real face and could be imitated easily and B) the only way you can understand their content is through poor fan translated subs. Fucking weeaboos man.
If you collect 1 million roses in katamari 2 on PS2 you get a new title screen.
When you beat FF15 you get a new title screen.
Who is the best vtuber and why is it Gumi?
video games
I hated the back half of FFXV and was kind of glad it was over, but fuck, if I didn’t smile at the new title screen. That music was such a treat to hear, along with the updated logo. I just wish Square would get their shit together...
Vtubers play video games. Go dilate ;)
Okay, genuine question, why don't you guys just talk about vtubers in /jp/
Isn't it infuriating attempting to discuss a subject you like but gets constantly 404'd? You can argue forever that anime belongs on 4changz but these threads will forever be deleted on Zig Forums, and the majority of these threads are shitposts and attempts to derail the thread
As far as I know, vtuber threads don't get deleted in /jp/, so why don't you discuss vtubers there
She laughs a lot!
New super Mario bros 2
half-life 2 and its episodes did! plus portal 2 (i don't know about the original portal though)
Did she finally lost it? I'm not surprised, considering the place she is living in.
whats with the music videos she been putting out?
>turning a game off before you've completed it
She's trying to act more idol like. You know, after the vomiting incident.
Dragon Quest 11
Which chuuba has the best voice?
My favorites are: Lulu, Mio, Risu(Ara ara and onee san voice), Watame, Subaru(singing voice only)
I prefer women with good voices and not hyper active screaming when watching their gameplay
Came here to post this
blain broke
Her singing voice...is not as bad as Miko's
have any vtubers played tlou2 yet? i want to see their reactions
She has amazing thighs.
mario kart 64
Red Dead Redemption 2, although it's based on location and not story progression.
lulu's sleep-aid voice is unmatched
not the jap ones but I know an english one on Twitch that did she got so mad when the game switched to Abby she quit playing and turned on the YT video