FF7 Remake is 24 hours long & has 15 hours of cutscenes

Attached: Holy fuck.jpg (2325x1200, 1.26M)

take out cutscenes, forced walking, garbage padding and it's about 6 hours of actual content with some of the worst level graphics of this & last generation.

Attached: FF7R assets.png (1279x1352, 2.3M)


I finish it with 40+ hours.How you can it done with 25 hours

Final Fantasy 7 shitmake

My final time was 40 hours and 1 minute.

Attached: 1396243631276.gif (360x203, 1.78M)

>15 hours of cutscenes
has MGS4 finally been dethroned?

you know its cutscenes, boss battles, and in game events right? the bottom vid isn't jsut a playthrough.

If you force yourself to do literally nothing but the main game so you can bitch about the game being 15 hours of cutscenes and 10 hours of gameplay.

I did my first playthrough where I completed all the sidequests and finished at around 30 hours. I wasn't rushing through either. It is the shortest FF game by far.