Do user reviews provide any more value than critics? I’d say so considering some tow the line for early review copies and insider info.
Do user reviews provide any more value than critics...
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the same and aggregating scores is retarded
>No, we can't let just anyone review games!! It's a privilege awarded only to the brave games journalists! These SAVAGES didn't earn that right!
I trust user scores more overall. Paid reviews have been a thing since the beginning. Plus the average person is not a critic, and neither are you.
twitter screencap threads should be banned
Absolutely not. Especially on Metacritic. You got two types of people doing reviews, shills and people who haven't even played the game and I don't care about the opinion of either. Only Steam reviews come close because everyone has to at least own the game.
all review scores should be deleted
no one read these.
Steam and any places that you review on a platform that tracks what you own/played are more value than critics.
I could review 100 movies I didn't watch right fucking now if I wanted to, the scores mean shit if they can't somewhat prove you actually touched the game
>Plus the average person is not a critic, and neither are you.
Sure, but the average person is also completely retarded.
Professional reviwers are paid shills, that doesn't mean i can relate to the "opinions" of the lobotomized chimps posting here, or the normies out there, i can only relate with the opinions of people that are intelligent and have good taste, so from that point of view, user scores are just as useless to me.