ITT: Underrated hidden gems

ITT: Underrated hidden gems

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"Le obscure hidden J-RPG past generations game"

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I just finished the remake today and I think that's a truly hidden gem, but the OG plays really poorly (at least from what I played in the remake)

based retard

have sex

I'm playing it now. Seems way too easy on normal. does it get harder?

you should both have sex with each other

Is it really a hidden gem when it gets a remake?

It's obviously and underrated hidden gem rare genre exclusive console only hardware magnificent

Ok, I'll start.

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Some of the trial rooms, minibosses and bosses gave me some issue but overall its pretty easy. Never expect to be challenged in standard enemy rooms, I never went lower then an A rank in any of them across all characters and the A was usually for getting used to a new character.

Doesn't even have a wikipedia page

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One of the best games of all time, and barely gets any recognition. Most people wouldn't give it a chance based on the genre. It has tons of voice acting and great writing.

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Final section can be hard bullshit, utter slowdown when too much shit is on the screen(which you will experience) but otherwise the difficulty is pretty constant.

That's a shame. Should've started on hard I guess.

A lot of people played the original, the ocarina of time. But not everyone knows that ocarina of time was the only zelda game to be given a direct sequel, called majoras mask. I actually prefer this game to ocarina of time; the plot is a lot more mature and it deals with a lot of existential themes. I reccomend anyone who's on Zig Forums to go ahead and give it a shot. Great music too

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What? I played through it on Vita and I didn't feel that with the final boss The framerate dipped but the boss was still pretty easy. The gimmicky wind rooms tanked my framerate but they weren't challenging.

Eh, honestly can't imagine how they'd make standard enemy rooms hard as the way the games combo and juggle systems work, its far too easy to keep momentum and truck through everything. Even with harder enemy variety it'd be easy, more HP on grunts would just make it more tedious. Which I think is fine, as the game has such a fun combo system that it's a blast just popping off on enemies. The mini-bosses and bosses (and trials) will probably give you some trouble at points, some are really easy but some stand out as hard, especially some fucking trial rooms

How come noone really cared for majora's mask? It has the same, if not more level of quality that went into OOT

MM is the best Zelda in the series. I genuinely believe the only reason you should play OOT is so you can fully appreciate MM. The entire game is a giant interconnected puzzle dungeon.

>not the remake where you can do dumb shit like this

Looks like a generic mobile game

If you're looking for a solid platforming-beat 'em up that acts like a lost episode of an amazing show, look no further.

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OG Odin Spere is trash and not worth mentioning, even in nostalgia threads. Just play the remake.

salt and sanctuary!

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Do you also like the taste of shit? Eat it up then, shit eater.

Remake invalidates the existence of the original, it's just that much better.

Did grimgrimoire get a remake?
Shit looks crispy as fuck if it is emulation

Emulation with widescreen hack.

The history and character are pretty good and the gameplay is decent.

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Everyone thinks about Unreal Tournament or Quake. This should have been king.

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tell me more

Drakengard 1 and 3

not hidden anymore, but under appreciated. It was suppose to get a sequel but no one bought it.

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