How are your gaming streams coming up Zig Forums? Did you finally find that gane everyone loves to watch you play?
How are your gaming streams coming up Zig Forums? Did you finally find that gane everyone loves to watch you play?
made affiliate and still only have 5 people watching me at some of the time, most of the Time 1 or 2 feels bad
What are you used to play?
I think about streaming every now and then, but never do. Is it even worth doing?
It will start slow as fuck and you wont see any progress unless you stream atleast 3 or 4 dayd a week. Also don’t spect to Be a thing unless you facecam and that can take a whole year
I'm socially autistic and have a thick accent so I don't like talking in English. So I would never be able to make it.
I tried streaming ninjala tonight since its brand new and like 2 people joined other than my irl friends. I've been streaming punch out Wii speedruns, which according to my analytics people check out but no one stays for. Occasiaonlly if I stream jackbox I'll get views but not many more than my irl friends again who are playing. Always debate if it's worth streaming or not because it feels like extra pressure added onto me to be in some way entertaining, which makes it harder to relax.
I reached affiliate recently thanks to Zig Forums jackbox streams raising my avg views and I already had 35 followers before I started again because I streamed fnaf 3 when that was popular.
same. I'm fine streaming for a few people in quiet, but when someone starts typing in chat I get anxious.
I just want show off some cool old games
>got over 100 followers by just streaming tf2 for around 6 months
>not even daily, maybe 2 times a week
>viewers never goes over 4
Do people just toss random follows and dissapear forever??
It's not worth the effort put in. I can't milk simps for money.