Why is she so based?

Why is she so based?

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Tranny power

Actually the closest we have ever gotten to the literal Poochie of video games.



Tlou 2 was actually fucking KINO and a pleb filter

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She makes numales and soiboys seethe

A really strong woman.

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>game for kills off the main character in an undignified way and forces to play the killer for 8 hours
Any one who got pissed by this is a 100IQ Marvel consuming Plebeian.
The idea itself was really interesting, and if it was executed properly it would've been absolute kino.

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Basehead, meaning loser, junkie or just levelheaded. Lil b made it into a compliment

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She made me feel self conscious about my arms so I started lifting a few days ago

The whole game would be fixed by having:

>Abby’s campaign is at the start, with her having a training montage near the start, and killing Joel in a 1v1 boss

>Non-lethal paths are always available, and lead to positive outcomes

>Dina gets her Khazar Milkers back

She was the hero of the story. She never actually did anything bad. Joel deserved what he got from her point of view and there was nothing wrong with her point of view. She only helped people, didnt hurt innocents, and triumphed over more adversity than joel or ellie while soldiering on during greater loss than joel or ellie suffered. Survived against all odds, and didnt even want to fight at the end but still did anyway while emaciated. She is the best videogame heroine by far in videogame history. Only thing lacking are her tits.
Even her weapon inventory was cooler.

The transition was well done IMO. It forces you to reckon with the fact that the only reason you care about Joel is because you've developed an emotional connection to him over the course of the previous game (much like Ellie) and that he was actually an incredibly selfish person all along.

This game is the conclusive proof of horseshoe theory. As in faggots on Zig Forums can be as willfully blind as faggots on reddit and twitter when something doesn't fit their ideology.

Because she is literally Joel except she's a female and younger than him?

>She was the hero of the story
The whole point of the game is that nobody is the hero or the villian, everyone has done good and bad shit.

she took a lot of certain pills...

Abby is 100% the hero, what did she do that was bad? Joel killed her dad who was about to save humanity, if Joel killed my dad I'd bash his brains in witha golf club too, and my dad aint saving humanity.

Not a tranny.

Because Zig Forums hasn't been as assblasted over a vidya character in YEARS

>The strong do whatever they are allowed to do and the weak accept it and forgive them.
The Greeks already knew that ages ago

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Wrong character

SJW shoehorned politics aside, they should of titled the game differently this is what you get for trying to steal sequel money of characters in a beloved media piece.

Abby did nothing wrong except for sparing Ellie life.

She's the biggest pleb filter in recent history

>Stupid old man!
>You don't get to rush this!


just a month ago Zig Forums hated TLOU and now you're trying to justify hating TLOU2 by pretending Joel is your favorite vidya character
The seethe is insane

Xhe made literally every single person on the internet hurt of the butt, and I can respect that

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The first Abby v Ellie fight was pure 100% video game kino and in that moment, I genuinely didn't care if I killed Ellie. Contrast that to the end fight where I'm playing as Ellie and I really don't want to fight Abby, I've seen what she's been through and I just want her to have a happy life.

She literally killed all of her friends before letting her go though. I think she let her live to take care of Lev the way Joel took care of her.

Im with you 100%, no game ever made me feel these feels

I know, I'm just shitposting
The story is about Ellie, her taking agency over her life etc etc


She killed someone who the player has developed an emotional attachment to

They should have devoted more time to the california arc IMO, I wanted to see more of santa barbara and the rattlers weren't really fleshed out enough.

she makes Zig Forums incels seethe

I thought they were gonna be sex slaves but they were just tomato slaves, very disappointing. I thought abby was going to the full depravity of rock bottom, but not quite there.

fuck Joel

the only thing keeping the game from being perfect is that you can't control Abby and bash Joel's skull in yourself