This fucking game

This fucking game

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heh, funny
kingdom hearts still is lame

What's wrong with Gypsy's?
>and also what are they?

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The gypsies - purveyors of distrust and superstition. Most of their babble should be taken with a pinch of salt, since the gypsies often tinker with weary travelers' minds ... However, a few gypsies have something interesting to say

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Villains should be able to use slurs because it shows they're bad people.
Change my Mind.

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dunno about back then but the gypsies i run into tend to be conmans and thieves

>This is literally boomer Ansem the Wise trying to emulate young person speak


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You tell me

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Didn't know Raimi had a hand in KH

The niggers of europe

Genocide is terrible, but Hitler had the right idea when he wanted to kill them.


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He has been a writer for the franchise for a pretty long time now.

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Cause they're fun, besides the mysterious figure, he can eat a dick

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really shows how little they were written for this game to give them so much personality

As a retail wageslave I can only speak from personal experience, but said experience tells me that they're everything people meme niggers, spics AND amerimutts to be and far, far worse.

they were so into this setting they weren't self-aware with what they wrote

You know when reasonable people talk about how horrible Hitler was? They always add "But burning gipsys was a good idea" to that.

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Oh my god

Rodney King up in here.

gypsies aren't a race though

how do you deal with the gypsie problem, without just killing them all?

You're right, they're a group of demons.

They're pretty ethnically distinct

That's part of the charm

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I wouldn't go that far, they're more like insects in your house that eat your food and make holes in your clothes

Send them all to Romania, have that country be their Isreal

Go full tilt China and send them all to mandantory re-education camps.

oh right, i forgot riku can smell the darkness, what a weird superpower

FR when talking about gypsies they suddenly understand all the problems with immigration and aid to immigrants to the point of stopping tourists from giving money to begging roma

Do what chinks do and forcefully educate them

theyre "Romanian" but they got kicked out of Romania a long time ago (see also: Jews), so theyre in every corner of the world, scamming, thieving and conning people. They are very well known for fortune telling.

Remember the village in the intro to Borat? That was actual Romania, nobody there was an actor except for Sacha, all those gypsy niggers were convinced that he was filming a documentary

Only in com I might add and not only Darkness at that.

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Have your gypsies spayed and neutered
they'll just steal more kids then... So kill them all?

Are gypsie women attractive?