What games do our good friends in Europe play?

What games do our good friends in Europe play?

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FIFA I guess.

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sonic generations atm


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I'm playing a fuckton of Total War Warhammer still.
Got the roguelite itch and got Hades and Slay the Spire a couple days ago, but I think I got everything I can from them.

Might start up FF9 again.

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no way you got futurerama for xbox?!?!


we don't play bideogames, we have sex instead

No you don't, if you were, you wouldn't need to flood your country with refugees.

Western ones play some sort of truck simulation, slavs play janky but fun games like stalker which is just a life simulation

The ones in West and Central Eu any farming simulator
The ones in East stalker

Your birthrates say otherwise.

Cuck Simulator 2020

Counter Strike and League

the only alive servers in wipeout omega collection are the european ones

going to buy the demon's remake in the future?

Yakuza 0 and 51 clubhouse games
I spend most of the time playing Mahjong in both of them

For sure, mostly for the online. It's unironically gonna be great.

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Mordhau mostly

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Most people in my age group play stuff like Mount and Blade, Elite, Space Engineers, Factorio, Kerbal, EuroTruck simulator: various kinds of sims or construction / creative PC titles in general.
RPG's also used to be incredibly popular around here - with Fallout 1/2 probably being by far the most formative games for my entire generation. Today, finding a good RPG is kinda hard, but everyone I know did sunk a good hundred of hours into games like KC:D, Divinity series and Pillars of Eternity.

Two interesting titles I've seen to draw a lot of attention recently were Pathologic 2 and Doom Eternal.

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Playing XCDE, Vermintide 2 and BTSX in VR now.


just finished Vampire the masquerade bloodlines.
Gonna try monster hunter next.

apparently a lot of Dota 2 since we've been dominating the scene for the past 3 years

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Finished TLOU2, now onto XCDE, with some Ark on the side since it was free weeks ago and all my friends are playing it

cyberpunk looking great

oh someone who actually played the cursed game.
How did you like it?

What about The Witcher, Stalker, Hitman?

Crack life!


why are you white?

currently Titanfall 2 multi now that online is surging again. Fun as fuck, the game well deserved a revival.

Also munching on some of these

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most of my friends played the witcher. The other 2 not so much.

Wow classic with my comfy guild, Tropico 3 on offdays

nice collection though.

Stalker and The Witcher were both extremely popular games in their time: we all played them almost religiously, but we all kinda moved away from them fairly fast too. I don't think they left that much of an impact in the end - at least not noticeably bigger than anywhere else in the world.


Haha nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger!
I have autism!