Uhh what did Mr. Spaceman mean by this?
Uhh what did Mr. Spaceman mean by this?
Probably pissed that it's been 7 years without a new one.
GTA 5 coming tesla car!
he's as pissed as a lot of people that we may see YandereDev's game before even hearing about GTA VI
That Rockstar has been coasting after GTAV and are milking it for what it's worth
This prick should get off twitter and hurry the fuck up with that rocket to mars already
I wonder how much he pays his tweet writer
It's an AI
singleplayer fags need to shut the fuck up, you are the reason why we have sjw shit in games
Elon would be too afraid it'd gain sentience and hack his brain to use an AI to write tweets
and you're the reason why we have microtransactions and lootboxes in games
He means that niggers tongue his anus.
i'll take microtransactions over sjw garbage any day, atleast i have a choice not to buy them, you retards have to sit through degeneracy
>le vote with your wallet
What are some games to avoid due tu SJW agenda? No TLOU2 pls
This is just a reddit tier thread, will Zig Forums ever recover from this sad state?
butch will capitalize on this
"Paid attention to me, nerds. I'm just like you, being a filthy rich doesn't made me different. Hurry up and be my personal army to defend me on social media because I used memes just like you!"
I'd settle for some single player expansions for V at this point.
this. it's pathetic watching a bunch of children defend this man, just because he smokes dope and plays video games.
we reddit now lads
he will be sued for defamation over this
How fairy parents died long time ago
>the episode where Timmy sells the foot sweat of a fairy
Elon are you trying to tell us something
Is this post sarcastic?
he wants uberhaxornova to stop playing fucking gtap rp 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, 30 days a month, 12 months a year
Find out at the next xbox series x event
>company releases new game every year
>company supports same game for years consistently releasing new content for it
Not until Twitter screencap threads are banned, aka never.
he's in the know, and knows that gta has been bought up by epic games and tencent
they're not making GTA6 they're just going to endlessly wring out and milk GTAV by adding singleplayer DLC and endless online micros until the end of 2030