Why are skeletons always villains in vidya game.
Name one skelterino protginisterino
Why are skeletons always villains in vidya game
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Sir Daniel you pleb
Dark souls
divos 2
Etna if she real
Someone should kidnap her and forcefeed until she's at least 500 lbs.
How is she even still alive?
morte from ps:t
Pretty face, would be gerogeous with some more meat in those bones.
How good is the game I legit like the design of a skeleton.
Medievil guy, Grim Fandango guy.
Mr. Bones
It's just about as generic as an adventure game from that era can get, only slightly better than absolute trash like Gex.
I do wonder if she's hoping that one day she'll start to lose fat from her face. it's kinda funny honestly, there are girls with much more fat than her but their faces are slimmer and more chiseled.
I thought she got help and unjusted her shit
How do I get a girlfriend like that? Should I try myproana?
thank ms skeltal
post the webm, you know the one.
I want a thinspo gf like you wouldn't believe
I'm hoping that being a 6'3" 200lb 9% body fat muscle monster will attract someone who doesn't eat
Since when did Lightning dye her hair and try to emulate Rikku's outfit?
Not eating spikes cortisol which is commonly associated with facial bloating.
>Why are skeletons always villains in vidya game.
such as?
she did
This, except I'm also thinspo
This must needs be rectified.
It has one shitty vidya so it counts.
Just post the fucking meat slip and be done with it.
the only bad part is how skeleton are always human size in wordls with dozens of races
Grin fandango
I have no idea, I just wanted to make a skeleton thread
Are bones good for you?
Can someone please post the gif/webm of Piere destroying planet fitness?
seconding this