Battlestation thread?
Battlestation thread?
stop sameposting
Let me guess, this faggot is a Communist, Alphabet People supporter who screams “tear down Capitalism” to the point where his throat bleeds?
I like it in a strange way. I also think it could be the room of a potential murderer. So I'm conflicted.
stop making this fucking thread
Damn OP, why the fuck did you fucking buy every version of the game?!
>So, tell me about yourself! What kind of person are you, user?
>Uh... I buy things...
>Star Wars
>Harry Potter
>Heath Ledger Joker
>carpet floors
when will this meme die? you might as well wear shoes in the house
>as if anyone would be interested in OP enuff to get to know him lul
>six million??
Top tier bait OP 10/10. Fucking lost my sides at that image
Why are Snoys like this?
More like a cuckstation
>neon lights
no thanks, i like not straining my eyes
Why is Cyan and Magenta everywhere now? Is it the new Teal and Orange?
Anybody with those polygonal lights on the right is a huge faggot.
Dachshunds are the chads of the animal world.
It's for cucks who like to look cool when nobody is watching
Now this is based
Is it autism?
mental illness detected
I-Is that a loli elf sex doll?!
Women will never understand
whered you get this photo of my room?
I haven't worn deodorant in six years.
I got married and have a salaried job.
Is deodorant a meme?
And what do you do with your life that’s so different and special?
Is the guy okay?
we sit around and shitpost 17 hours a day
>no memory card
>not beating it in one go
You’re not a pleb right user?
>accidentally reset game
Aw shit, here we go again...
im sure he was having a decent time until he passed out, judging by all the steel reserve
I love that little tv.