Battlestation thread?

Battlestation thread?

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stop sameposting

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Let me guess, this faggot is a Communist, Alphabet People supporter who screams “tear down Capitalism” to the point where his throat bleeds?

I like it in a strange way. I also think it could be the room of a potential murderer. So I'm conflicted.

stop making this fucking thread

Damn OP, why the fuck did you fucking buy every version of the game?!

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>So, tell me about yourself! What kind of person are you, user?

>Uh... I buy things...

>Star Wars
>Harry Potter
>Heath Ledger Joker

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>carpet floors
when will this meme die? you might as well wear shoes in the house

>as if anyone would be interested in OP enuff to get to know him lul

>six million??

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Top tier bait OP 10/10. Fucking lost my sides at that image

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Why are Snoys like this?

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More like a cuckstation

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>neon lights

no thanks, i like not straining my eyes

Why is Cyan and Magenta everywhere now? Is it the new Teal and Orange?

Anybody with those polygonal lights on the right is a huge faggot.

Dachshunds are the chads of the animal world.

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It's for cucks who like to look cool when nobody is watching

Now this is based

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Is it autism?

mental illness detected

I-Is that a loli elf sex doll?!

Women will never understand

whered you get this photo of my room?

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I haven't worn deodorant in six years.

I got married and have a salaried job.

Is deodorant a meme?

And what do you do with your life that’s so different and special?

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Is the guy okay?

we sit around and shitpost 17 hours a day

>no memory card

>not beating it in one go
You’re not a pleb right user?

>accidentally reset game

Aw shit, here we go again...

im sure he was having a decent time until he passed out, judging by all the steel reserve

I love that little tv.

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