>There are retards right now on Zig Forums who think that pic related looks like GTAV and current year LA
Cyberpunk 2k+77 IS Cyberpunk
Why the FUCK is it so fucking bright?
Because it's a bright and sunny day in California, where night city is situated.
Why did I move here?
>the sun doesn't exist in cyberpunk worlds
>saves your game
do you think gtx980 will run it?
CYBERPUNK LOOKS LIKE THAT? Then cyberpunk is fucking garbage, no wonder post-cyberpunk and other sci-fi sells more than this, it looks so shit and boring
>all that chromatic aberration and blur
and why do some of the signs switch between english and moonrune mid-word, who does that lol
>the goalpost has been attached to a plane and is now flying away out of reach
That’s all fake shill shit. No source other than a bunch of marketers who are very deep in CDPR’s pockets.
Why aren't YOU?
this pisses me off so much, it's just unforgivable. very shamefur
>No source other than a bunch of marketers who are very deep in CDPR’s pockets.
proof? burdens on you now
Anyone who gives this game any praise is drinking a cocktail of glue, Cool-Aid and shill cash with their breakfast.
and why would they lie
see what fucking happened with tlou2
they changed a few miniscule detalis in a trailer and gaymers are still seething at it weeks later
there is a lawsuit on the way
people are retyrning the game on mass
if CDPR started lying now they would be absolutely fucked on release
f u c k e d
so its not likely that this is fake
still waiting for some proof user
>and why would they lie
Because they did it before, have been doing it fro years upon years and no matter how often they get called out for it they keep continuing to do so.
But thanks to small minded retards like you who keep on falling for it time and time again they keep on doing it.
>posts claims without source
>wants others to prove it for him
Not how it works, no matter hot often you repeat it.,
>at last the autist shows his true colors
this is how Zig Forums shitters behave when cornered kek
show me some proof of them lying and ill consider reading the rest of your post
otherwise fuckoff with the retard above
GTA IS Cyberpunk. That you retards keep on defending the game without even knowing the absolute basics of the setting is truly telling how easily you can be manipulated.
Here comes the sun~
Here comes the sun, and I say~
It's all right~
please tell me it'll have denuvo so I know for sure I'll never buy it full price
Toppest of keks
>gets proven wrong time and time again
>is unable to source anything he said
>no u
The absolute state of you niggers is truly fascinating. Please continue, I want to see some more butthurt for being called out.
I don’t understand the hatred of the game, it’s not even released yet?
Becuase unlike Naughty Dog, they have somehow managed to preserve their reputation after even the downgraded to The Witcher 3, and they abused that to build up a Great Wall of Cumdrinkers that will market for them and justify everything they do.
Cry louder, show me those tears.
A look inside the mind of a CDPRdrone.
fucker thats YOU thats what You are doing RIGHT NOW
could you be more retarded than the guy literally shitting himself on his keyboard ?
Guys, the Cyberpunk you guys want already exist, it's called Shenzhen
Tech heavy, dystopic, fog, etc