How long until we see Xiva as a minion in the final fantasy MMO...

How long until we see Xiva as a minion in the final fantasy MMO? He seems like a good fit to represent the playerbase as a title mascot.

Attached: 1593140795456.jpg (944x1733, 905.46K)


People who still play FF are cucks anyway

So that thing craves penis right?

>Drew some kind of cute little bird thing in the final week of pride month.
>No intent to ever put it into any games.
>No intent to actually do any gay in the games.
clap clap clap clap, the company said they are progress

HUMAN penis

Attached: 1484179739260.jpg (1434x1777, 2.62M)

It craves smiles.

Attached: sylvando.png (1577x888, 1.77M)

Based SE

Attached: EZiSCr2U8AA6H6U.jpg (1920x1080, 442.85K)

>japanese company creates a mascot

this design looks quite inelegant. square enix can come up with great monster designs but can't think of a good one for its mascot, even for toshiyuki who can make charming mascots but couldn't bother to make one for this occassion, i rather have nomura designed it

of course

Attached: nigunf.gif (500x281, 999.83K)

Does this character even have a name?
The filename suggests that it's "Pulse" but they haven't explicitly named it.

Attached: SquareEnix_PrideMonth_Pulse_Alt-g2tt31yrz.jpg (1000x1250, 810.05K)

What in Gabe Newell are my eyes looking at? What the fuck is this abomination??

It looks like a pokemon

Where is the porn?

literally who character is a fag

at least faggots will shut up now.

Based hmofa chad


You mean like that one nightclub?

can't tell if faggot or just a soccer player t b h

It's a cocksleeve

It’s like Snivy and Toucan Sam had a baby

Attached: help_us_sell_video_games.jpg (502x502, 54.16K)

Apparently it's a Sonic the Hedgehog wanabee. Or a fursona reject.

Attached: banana_the_rabbit.png (1469x1160, 82.92K)

I'd buy his game if there's sex scenes.

Whose game?

It's been a day, how the fuck is there no porn of this guy yet.

This again?

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1.44M)

I think we should make a name for her if nobody else has. He at least deserves that so it'll be easy to find they/thems porn with an actual tag.

Attached: video_games.png (466x468, 29.01K)

Did you just assumed their gender?

Whatever it is I don't mind the design other than the shoes