Got all of the original twelve's franchises, as well as Fire Emblem, covered...

Got all of the original twelve's franchises, as well as Fire Emblem, covered. Figured I'd post it before moving on to the smaller ones. Thoughts?

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What the fuck

>>>>>>>Anime Team Rocket

Shrunk down to the size of K. Rool or Bowser with a Super Mushroom.

It's not Anime Team Rocket, it's Pokémon Yellow and Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu/Eevee Team Rocket. They're completely different characters.

>The yellow Pokemon thing
>Any of the Kirby additions with Dark Matter (probably Marx since he’s a boss)
>Kraid with Sylux
>Black Shadow with Samurai Goroh (or just add Goroh)
>Deoxys with Greninja
>Team Rocket with Giovani (with three different pokemon)
>Funky Kong

Might as well put Goku from FighterZ then.

Did not see Greninja on there. Just get rid of Deoxys then, don’t know why he’s even there when you already have Sceptile for gen 3

Get that faggot puppet off the list and it becomes halfway decent.

ALSO Buzzwole is redundant when Incineroar exists, and vice versa

Kamui or bust.

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the games where shit user, you where a shill rep for that game that didnt hit sales targets, thats not even fun to play anymore in Ult

I didn't come here to listen to fags.

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I feel like there should be a Bug Pokemon in there somewhere though, since there's not really any insect characters in Smash. I didn't want to use Scyther due to too much Kanto and I didn't want to use Scizor because I didn't want to just use characters from Pokken.

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Kamui is a stupid bitch that's only good for fapping and even then there are better characters for that.

Spoken by someone who isn't even good for fapping.

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>>Team Rocket with Giovani (with three different pokemon)
The idea behind them was that Jessie and James (and Meowth, of course) would be doing the fighting themselves, rather than just being "evil Pokemon Trainer."

I fell like Grovyle would be a bit better than Sceptile because then he would be the Mystery Dungeon, but since Sceptile is fully evolved he also makes works

try genesect, you don't have a unova rep on there

Why not just mini-kraid

Your list is fucking trash

>Jessie and James fighting themselves
That would be so kino lmao

I don’t think any one series should have more than 8 total fighters

This shit is bad on purpose, don't fall for it

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The idea behind Sceptile was he'd complete the "fully evolved starter trio" along with Greninja and Incineroar.

That's a good idea.

Sure, that works.

>Not Giegue

>While SNES era gers no one
Automatic trash.

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What the fuck would Paulines moveset even look like? There are so many other mario characters that deserve spots over her

>What is Duck Hunt
>What is ROB
>What is Piranha Plant
>What is Palutena

>Replace Petey with Piranha Plant
>Replace King Boo with Paper Mario
>Add Funky Kong
>Add Cranky Kong
>Add Toon Link
>Add Peppy
>Add Crocomire

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I'd move Yoshi and Wario down to their own rows and add Poochy and a Warioware character.

The Fire Emblem picks are still bad. There are three characters from Tellius and two from Elibe. Replace Micaiah with Celica and Roy or Hector with someone else