There, TLOU2 is fixed

There, TLOU2 is fixed.

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>based japan man fix game

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JAPAN does it again

agreed!!! westerncucks dont know how to videogame

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Actually kino

No, this is also stupid. It's literally unfixable

Based Nips.
Also turn the cast into cute girls.

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Yeah but then they can't make DLC and a sequel with everyone's favorite new protagonist, Abby

This is Sasuke-tier cringe. It's so edgy that it is not funny, it's just annoying.

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You just know that people would shit on it because it would have been too edgy
It's shit either way

Only thing missing is her pulling the trigger on herself or lighting the house on fire., completing the cycle of destruction at last.

If you are going to go dark with your story, go full dark. Don't pansy out of it and try to fake a happy ending. It just makes it look cringy and pretentious

You just described the game

kek, this

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T. A guy who understood nothing from the story or the themes

You're not wrong.


I like hkw Abby looks like a chad here. I think the game would be better if Abby had been simply a douchebag violent dude. That way Ellie wouldnt think twice to kill him

This would have improved the story only if there was an option for more than one finale. By itself, is only of similar quality than that we had. At least would give an interesting twist for a possible TLOU3.

What revenge stories take revenge to the extreme and actually have the protagonist satisfied by it?

>T. A guy who understood nothing from the story or the themes

The only theme in TLOU2 is "let's do things that will piss off the players because we're above entertaining them".

That one South Park episode.

japs cant into art

Dishonored allows you to carry vengeance with extreme cruelty and revel in the chaos you've created
I pity the fools that went for low chaos ending because high chaos is a fucking work of art.

Now this is a story that makes Joel die for nothing.

>revel in the chaos you've created
More like this please. Tired of this "revenge bad" shit; I want fiction taken to an extreme.

Japan does what American't
But the story is so shit that this would only make it comically bad, not better.

>high chaos Kingsparrow Island
>Loyalists are running in panic like a bunch of headless chickens
>Martin tries to an hero but you can kill him faster than he pulls the trigger
>Pendleton is already dying but you can summon rats and feed him to them
>Havelock is shitting his pants and trying to use Emily as a shield

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Yesterday i finished a low chaos campaing with emily in Dishonored 2, now it is time for some corvo "tired of this shit" attano.

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