What is the correct way to play the Witcher III?
What is the correct way to play the Witcher III?
Yes, the way you play it is correct
While imagining the smell
Turn off white markers on the map, because they're a complete waste of time
Add a combat rebalance mod, so level matters less
Add immerse hud so you can remove the minimal
Some of these are more optional than others, but the game is so much more enjoyable when you make these changes.
The one where you have the most fun is the most correct
Study your monsters, prepare potions and oils, go prepared into battle. Skill in alchemy for maximum comfy.
or unironically just be yourself bro and have fun
i like the witcher 3 and have like 500 hours in it in total but one thing always pissed me off about it, why does everybody talk down to you for just being a ''witcher''' and never mention your achievements? you kill Imlerith, Caranthir and Eredin but nobody mentions any of these great feats. everybody just seems to expect you to be handle any threat in the entire universe single-handedly but at the same time talks down to you like you're a nobody.
to not play it at all
thats the point. Nobody appreciate witchers.