>game of the year is an Early Access game made by chinks
What an odd start to the decade.
Little Witch Nobeta
Bought it. DS4 controller does not work.
>tfw doing a low level (stats, not magic) arcane-only run on a fresh file
>go in thinking it'd be a piece of cake since I can wreck her with no trouble on NG+ using only arcane
>getting BTFO by Tania because Parry Level 1 doesn't stagger her on any of her attacks
>blocks all my charge shots when using "hard mode" tactics
>forced to change it up to try and expose new openings
At first I was mad, but this shit is honestly brilliant.
Compare to the power which is this.
The actual china, not the CCP pretenders.
>by chinks
I thought it was a gook.
Taiwan. So the real china, unconquered by commie pretenders.
Not letting this thread die so soon.
>Early access
Stopped reading here. Call me when the game is finished.
disable steam controller