Splinter Cell Series

Should the Splinter Cell series made by Ubisoft come back, or has it outlived its welcome and purpose, by this point? What more could be done with this series, and what about the character Sam Fisher, himself? Would a younger new 3rd Echelon agent be a better fit to the series by this point, given how old Sam Fisher must be by now for undertaking field missions? Which game in the series is your favorite, and why?

Attached: SplinterCellCover.jpg (590x702, 84.55K)

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it should come back and take pages from dishonored and thief

In what ways? I am curious, since I have not played any of those series' games.

Yeah it should


Imagine being The guard in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Fisher, where did ya go, all invisible and shit, with your body in the shadows. I totaly cannot see you right there over me with a giant bulb of light behind you. when all he really wants to do is shot the fucking guy right in the balls. Like seriously imagine having to be Soldier and not only have to ignore the guy in plain fucking sight right in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing the giant 3 green lights he carries in his head, while he just sits there, ,load after load, until he perfected the take down. Not only having to tolerate the fucking audacity of hiding in plain fucking sight but his haughty attitude as everyone on here tells you that DANM THATS THE BEST STEALTH GAME EVER MADE. WHERE DID FISHER GO? IS HE A GHOST OR SOMETHING?? because they're not the ones who have to walk pass there and watch the fucking elephant in the room jump from 2m onto the ground making the biggest sound in the world and you have to act like you didnt noticed it. You trained your entire life in the best boot camps in russia and was survived war zones that were considered suicide missions your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Afeganistam. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on his fucking balls while he just hangs in there waiting for you to pass, smugly assured that you are oblivious to the king of stealth(for that is what he calls himself)" , the stealth he worked so hard breaking every single light bulb in the previous room's. And then the player reloads again, and you know you could kill the fucker before he even finishes climbing the wall but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Professional. You're not going to lose your future main character status in a generic FPS game over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it

Attached: Imagine Splinter Cell.png (1280x720, 1.19M)

Fuck no.
There is no point to stealth if you are so fucking strong you can just casually kill everyone anyway.

Just remake the Chaos Theory multiplayer but fix the netcode, shotgun, wall-straddling, and make the spies' heads actually face the same direction as the camera. That's it. All the bullshit they added later ruined it.
As for the single player—meh. It's the most basic stealth franchise, it needs some sort of overhaul, but there's a million ways to do that.

the people who can make a good SC game today (the same people who made Blacklist) aren't there anymore. so no, I don't believe it should come back, because we'd be all but guaranteed to get something worse than Blacklist in terms of gameplay. story and Ironside don't concern me anymore, they already outdid themselves with Conviction in that regard.
>Just remake the Chaos Theory
CT retards thinking gameplay from a 15 year old ps2 title having a place in today's market are also part of the problem. but you're only saying this because you didn't experience Blacklist multiplayer, because a majority of those who did thoroughly enjoyed it.

zoomer spotted

I like double agent multiplayer a lot and replayed it over and over
I like the mobility options in those games, I really liked the whole knifing my way into a tent in chaos theory.

I keep thinking, did Splinter Cell leave just a hollow when it ended? Are there even stealth games being made nowdays? I'm drawing a blank, what would you say is the best pure stealth game released in the last, say, five years? I'm also going to ACTIVELY disqualify the Hitman games here, because as much as I love them they're not really stealth games about being unseen, more about being unnoticed.

blacklist was really fucking good

that's all I'm answering.

Thank you for clarifying those game references.

I haven't played any of the games past Double Agent (I think that's what it was called). Aren't the newer ones very different past that point?

The first Splinter Cell is trial and error trash until the second play through when you know all the bullshit parts

>There is no point to stealth if you are so fucking strong you can just casually kill everyone anyway.
Who's making you use those strong options

>Ironside will die before they make a new game

Attached: only me fisher.png (472x510, 294.48K)

It needs to come back and it needs to be Blacklist 2

At least remaster Blacklist

this guy knows whats up. Blacklist was fucking great. "Streamlined", sure, but it felt so slick to play

I didn't know he was that old.

>doesn't know anything about the series
>feels confident revealing he knows nothing about the series
Why would anyone want to talk to an ignorant cunt like you?

They rebooted Splinter Cell years ago and turned it into a Tomb Raider style action TPS.

Stealth is dead.
RTS is dead.
RPG is dead.

Now, if Sam Fisher were a pink haired trans racial disabled-bodied gender queer who fights the patriarchy. That might fly. Give Zim/Zer green hair and a dildo gun, the we're talking.

Man, Chaos Theory is problem the cheapest stealth game I've ever played.

Styx: Master of Shadows was fun

Ironside was dropped as sam in the latest game. He will never return to the role, especially if they make another younger sam.

Conviction is okay action game but horrible SC game, Blacklist is very good stealth game with couple of action scenes

>still no good way of emulating the original Xbox version of Double Agent

Let go user.

That's only because he had cancer at the time and wasn't sure he'd live. They wanted him for the role. His voice does sound really old now though which is sad.

Even if it were another remaster of the original trilogy, Ubi would make another guaranteed fuck-up just like their PS3 release.
The BC library on xbox one is gonna be the closest you'll get to a proper remaster btw.

Ummm it runs at 4K and 60 fps on the X

He literally returned for the Wildlands' DLC, so that's factually false.