Persona 4 Golden

Just finished it for the first time. How the hell were you supposed to achieve the true ending without a guide?

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By basically just looking at the options and remembering the vow to uncover ALL the truth. Still, there were a bunch of posts about Ameno-Sagiri as the "final" boss and that was funny to see.

I miss Inaba bros.

being lucky


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What a ride is was.

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What persona naturally have any of the three auto buffs?

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I hate how more upbeat than the original the golden ending is

It was considered bullshit even when it released back on PS2. Don't let faggots who knew ahead of time tell you it's obvious.

By making saves when the game warns you the next decision you make are critical to progression? It doesn't throw game-changing options at you without warning.

I hope you guys visited nanako at least once in November.

I visited her every day. Best imouto deserves unconditional love from oniichan.


Golden added the Adachi ending to balance things out.

pure ludo

How's progress on that Chie mod?

done, didnt bother with the TV world though
It's done. Only inconsistency I've noticed is she still has short hair on her Social Link screen but besides that it's been good for me so far.

I'm pretty sure they mentioned something about the police while deducing so based on that there's only two named police characters, one is obviously eliminated from the standing already so the other one must be the culprit

I liked the kind of bittersweet aspect of it, it made the moments spent with your friends much more intense and precious. The fact that the protag comes back not so long after leaving kinda breaks the emotion of the goodbye sequence

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>winter song plays instead of Your Affection/Heartbeat, Heartbreak
Ohnonononono it's happening again! No! No don't leave me!

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They'll always be in your heart, user.

Especially best girl Yukiko. Don't (you) me.

That's what you have to do to get the regular ending, user. The true ending is where you spit in God's face and make her your bitch.

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I kinda got that feeling as well. I remember beating vanilla 4 years ago and I've always liked that bittersweet feeling too.

had s.links to max

I didn't know I could.

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So who was the other Namatame in the TV? His actual shadow or some other entity? I'd want to believe it's his actual shadow but then on the other hand considering his circumstances were similar to Adachi and the MC, I'm unsure

>Nanako answering the door for a stranger
Shit and oocpilled

Nah, you don't see the next scene. She could be telling him she won't open the door for strangers for all we know.