Dead space 3

>Dead space 3
>Cost 150 million
>Needed 5 million copies sold on its first weekend
>Franchise is now dead

>Last of us 2
>Cost 300 millions
>It barely gets 4million sold on a user base of 110 millions consoles
>Already dropped 80% sales in 2 weeks

Oh no no no, what is it going to happen Sony bros? Abby is my favorite character!

Attached: 032BF114-CAA6-4423-B651-F770E20C01E1.jpg (828x1542, 607.13K)

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what stage of cope is this?

snoy devs don't make games to make money
they make games to be "artistic" and show how woke they are

Based Neil broke nazis
Literal seething schizos now

WTF does a game cost 300 million?

Wooooow, this level is denial is a new low Zig Forums

>$300 million

Yeah no this isn't Hollywood
Game budgets aren't that stupidly bloated yet

Bro. Destiny had a $500 million budget. Video game budgets include advertisements.

>dropped 80% in sales

I was thinking this might happen but you got a source?

Prove it cost 300 million

>GTA 5 costed $300 million (adjusted for inflation)
>130 million+ copies sold
>6 billion+ in revenue
I don’t know user, you tell me why do companies invest in video games?
>Made 6 billion in profit

80% drop in sales is still 800k

no game has cost $300 million

Attached: game dev cost.png (1806x631, 168.67K)

Add in advertising budgets that can be almost as much or more than the dev costs.

>I’ll post an inaccurate Wikipedia article, that’ll make TLOU2 sell like my Snoy overlords want

Star Citizen has a 330 million dollar budget. What are you even talking about? I won't say that it's the norm in the slighest, but these bloated cows do exist.

Someone call a medic, OP's rectum is bleeding to death

>another Zig Forumscel cope thread
It's funny how the last of us part 2 budget keeps increasing day after day

how is it inaccurate

I don't know what all the fuzz is about. I will gladly give tlou2 a chance when it's the free PSN monthly game in december.

Source me your numbers.

>Cost 300 millions
I would think it cost way more than that


>no merch

Attached: thepoweroftoys.png (1646x1454, 264.82K)

Let's say an employee makes $100,000 a year. 500 employees at that rate costs you $50,000,000 a year. Video games take around 3-5 years to make so $150,000,000-$250,000,000 for the entire development. That's only the labor too, I haven't even factored in anything else.

Holy shit the cope accounting.

Also, dead space 3 was multiplat.

there is no failure when you are part of the tribe

Yeah and Destiny also had a massive marketing budget and hired Peter Dinklage to do 90% of the voice acting when GOT was at the height of it's popularity.

So that's why the retarded director is so angry.


Of course he doesn’t.

>>Franchise is now dead
So is TLOU, where would you even go for a part 3?

Full on black tranny gay pride parade.

>development cost 50 mil
>marketing cost 200 mil

Attached: 1563771404546.jpg (534x663, 197.81K)

As a direct continuation? Not much. You could easily make a game about the fall of the government or similar zombie tropes though.

>The Last of Us Part 2 holds No.1 for a second consecutive week. Sales of the game dropped 80% week-on-week, which is a heavy fall.

Attached: 4BD8041D-DBC3-41A0-9A50-D055D4CE7549.png (2000x1366, 3.31M)

every game drops, uc4 dropped 78%.

So, you didn't know huh?
They are.