Considering how many complained about how dated the gameplay is, how could it have been actually improved?
How would a stealth and cover third person shooter for the 2020s look like?
Considering how many complained about how dated the gameplay is, how could it have been actually improved?
The gameplay is amazing
It's a dumb complaint from people who simply don't like third person shooters. They can't think of anything bad to say about it so they just point out that it's similar to the combat from the original. Yeah no shit, do you play a mario game and expect them to revolutionize jumping?
They haven't played the game. It's great stealth gameplay with incredibly good AI that ACTUALLY follows line of sight.
The game is INCREDIBLE. I'm playing on the original PS4 and I'm just shocked at how good the game looks. To get these visuals out of hardware from 2013 at a steady 30fps is an insane achievement. Better stealth gameplay than MGS. Better survival horror than Resident Evil (trapped in the building shortly after teaming up with scars). More variety of enemies than original game with better boss encounters. Massive improvements in the gameplay mechanics incorporating some mechanics from Uncharted. Amazing set pieces. Story not as good as original but everything else is better.
If Naughty Dog can pull this off on a PS4 I can't fucking wait to see what's in store on PS5. True masterpiece. Definitely getting the 4k60fps upgrade on PS5.
Brilliant. It makes people seethe with how good it is. It basically makes every single other development team at other studios look like amateur bums. Nothing comes close to this. Game of the Generation for sure . I am in awe. When are other developers going to catch up? Even Sony's other first party studios look 2nd rate compared to this.
>To get these visuals out of hardware from 2013 at a steady 30fps is an insane achievement.
It basically single-handedly convinced me that I shouldn't upgrade my PC anymore. Like there isn't a PC game that comes close to this fidelity.
>actual gameplay thread
>no replies
Tough luck op, maybe mention trannies next time
>come from a perpendicular angle from which he can definitely see me
>strangles him 1m away from his buddy, from where he can definitely hear the struggle and muffled noises
Based user for not falling for the Zig Forums hate mob
Thanks man, I honestly kinda suspected that.
It's not the fault of PC developers. It's just that the time, budget and talent was there for Naughty Dog to raise the bar again on whats essentially laptop hardware from 2013. We need tech and games like this to push the medium forward on all platforms. Even Naughty Dog didn't fulfill their actual ambitions with the game due to technical restraints but still managed to put together something that's better than anything else on the market. Imagine what they'll be able to achieve with next gen tech.
>Considering how many complained about how dated the gameplay is,
Three poltards on Zig Forums?
Show me a stealth game with AI better than that, you mouthbreathing retard
retards who didn't play on survivor. gameplay is great.
How challenging does it get on survivor?
What changes specifically? More attentive enemies? Less ammo and loot? Less health/far easier wounded?
I'm guessing less loot and harder enemies. But there is a whole suite of difficulty settings you can customize in the options menu
Are you fucking serious, that game has horrible AI
if you played the game youd see that these complaints do not actually represent the game.
You haven't played TLOU2 if you think that AI is better than TLOU. Like holy fuck user, being poor is no excuse for being retarded.
>stealth attack enemy from the front
>enemy automatically turns around
>you are now grabbing the enemy from behind
>maybe mention trannies next time
Also some rambling about SJWs, Lesbians, and on top, to get the Zig Forumscrossposters, (((Druckmann))).
>Oh shit, I see my teammate on the floor, Ill approach with caution
>5 bodies later..
>Oh shit, I see my teammate on the floor, Ill approach with caution