What are your most wished NERFS, BUFFS AND FIXES ?

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Nerf Zelda's neutral B

I don't care for the rest after that. They won't fix the online anyway.

byleth gets roy speed and fsmash comes out twice as fast, making him top tier
Hero's dash does as much as Link's, making him top tier

buff snake

I need some Cloud buffs. They nerfed him way too fucking hard in this game.

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He already got buffed last patch notes, he's fine now.

Dunno, he also seems fine now.

Yeah they need to nerf that.

I don't mind any up/nerf but I would prefer an online fix.

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How do you even buff Snake


Who caaaareeees anymore dude? The only way ultimate will survive is if they patch in more hitstun, less input delay or some other radical change for the whole roster.
I'm not a smelleefaggot but ultimate is fucking dead in the water right now and only kept drifting in and out of death by twitter rosterfags.

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Gut snake

While I'm not a fan of different techs being gone from one smash game to the next I really don't like spotdodgecancel and I wish they'd limit the moves that can be used to cancel or just remove it completely so spotdodging isn't so safe for some characters.

At what time does this even release ?

In a few hours (like 8-12 hours from now)

Why? He's not even that good anymore

Isn't it releasing the 30th in Japan ?

Give him a bigger ass

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I was talking about the patch notes release.
The update will come in exactly 1 day and 1 hour from now (it's usually the maintenance time on Tuesday like DBFZ for Switch).

Would prefer more buffs over nerfs.
Also buff the fucking netcode please, fucking christ how does anyone play Smash online?

>paying for nintendo online
that's a little bit cringe

Zelda in general needs to be fixed because Namco sure as fuck won't bother with fixing the online
Zelda is a god-tier character when played online but she's pretty ass outside of it. It's crazy how just a little bit of lag can make a character so much better

Please make my nigga Banjo a bit better

More stealth buffs for Shulk.

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More Ridley buffs please. He's a solid mid tier right now, it'd be nice to edge him a little higher, but I'm not gonna be too greedy.

>Villager UpSmash fix that does ???
>Corrin, Kirby, Robin & DK all have 1% more damage on their FTilt
>Something about Nana but she's still retarded
>An advanced technique/trick getting removed despite nobody complaining about it
>Already above average to average Zoner gets buffed in ways that actually matter
>Some useless quirk of Hero gets fixed
>Pretend nerfs for a Top Tier: They won't matter but people will falsely get hyped
Enjoy your balance patch!

Kirby should have more air speed. For some one whose entire game plan is running to the guy to kick them in the face, he is absurdly slow on the ground and especially the air.

Nerf knockback on BURIED characters, back how it was since SSB4

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haha Yoshi Heavy weight + Super Air speed goes brrrrrr on A button attack

Kirby's air speed doesn't have to be Yoshi tier, just don't make it bottom five.

Nerf Hero’s Menu
>Kaboom gets a smaller windbox and/or knockback.
>Bounce wears off earlier after 4 actions = 4 turns.

>ANY character can land critical hits against hero.

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Should be the more spells hero uses in a single life, the higher the crit chance can happen from the opponent.

Nerf zoners into the fucking dumpster because they're never fun to play against

Please buff Isabelle.

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T. Fatfag