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is she a negor?

What's going on here?

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why do people like this show again

I mean, it is pretty good for a children's cartoon? Like that isn't a super high bar, but for children to like it isn't really a big deal.

came for the show that was fun and pretty good for a kids show
stayed for the babes

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No, she's Inuit.

It's about a bunch of magic kung-fu monks fighting a war. What's not to love?

arent they all under 18 in the show though, it only takes place over a year

>arent they all under 18 in the show though, it only takes place over a year

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Would you let her massage your pp with a water ball?

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Sauce plz

Babies first cartoon with continuity.

read the filename

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i can say confidently that it wouldnt feel like anything other than wet + temperature
literally zero friction

same with slime girls, they would be physically incapable of making you cum
very serious issue i do not see h-games ever take into consideration


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I need to check the new 4 elements trainer update.

Why was Legend of Korea not as popular? Is it just because the those who watched the original grew out of Avatar?

>stupid Zig Forums boomers can't talk about shows newer than 10 years old.

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Why do retards pretend Iroh is a good guy? He literally only became good once Ozai had him branded a traitor to the Fire nation after the Siege of the North, i.e. once he directly profited and had a vested interest in seeing the fire lord go down. If Zhou hadn’t tried to kill Twi forcing Iroh to betray the fire nation, he literally would have just sat back and watched the fire nation conquer the entire world sipping tea.

It was just kind of shitty in comparison.
In particular it completely fucked with the lore.

Everything happens for a reason, user. Especially when your universe is built upon destiny and spirituality

It's the closest thing the west has to a battle shounen.

Because it fucking sucked dick

>Hooks up with a new guy ever episode
What the fuck was her problem?

greatest western show ever made

Being a teenage girl

She looks like she fucks her brother

They pimped her out for money up until Toph came along to out scam fire nation scam artists.

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This ugly son of a bitch LITERALLY murdered TRILLIONS and got away with it!

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they kicked all of the staff of the original off it so the creators could take all the credit
and surprise it was shit

I'm happy to talk about Hilda. Here's a picture of best girl.

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sounds pretty based

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smile can be thick enough to give friction. Have you never fucked a pudding or something?


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I don't think Iroh is a good guy. I just think he's based

not pudding no but slime itself yes
extremely disappointing
if there isnt a container around the substance to give it a surface that actually provides physical feedback it is literally not even slightly pleasurable

a slime girl can shape her slime and compress it around your dick. she literally does what you demand. Also make your slime thicker

>Fire Hitler was a bad guy!
>And worst of all, he was a homophobe!