Persona thread

Persona thread

You did eat it, right, Zig Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

women can't cook for shit

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Post cute shit

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>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?

Don't you hate it when your sisterwives fight?

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The Persona 4 singer wearing P5 clothes is unsettling to me.

i regret not playing this a decade ago and joining the threads when this was all new

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I love Chie!

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You didn't have a choice.

Kill yourself

>Teddie flexing in his AOA portrait
Made me chuckle.

Disregard thread, post Adachi memes

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Dumb shenanigans of the investigation team is my favorite part of the game.

Adachi looks bit different

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Man the new all-out attack art looks so much better

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I finally see the appeal after modding fixed her

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>it's about my neck, isn't it?

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Bitrate is more important than resolution when making webms.

>tfw Tanakachads launch an e-commerce empire that will thoroughly BTFO jewnes within a decade

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>just saved Nanako
>Have to wait for her to recover...

The pacing of this game is horseshit; I wish I could skip all this social links crap.

How do I become as good a cook as Yukiko?

Is there any justification for playing P4 when Golden is out? I have a PS2 but I'd need to buy a new laptop to be able to play golden. My laptop is shit anyway.

Is P3:FES dated compared to P5? Will I like it?

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>The pacing of this game is horseshit
>wait a week to 10 days
>game progresses
>game even gives you a fast forward option for dialogue
You should play Persona 3.

they're all dated compared to 5. it has way, WAY too many improvements that going back to the older ones feels almost painful.

that being said, 3 and 4s stories are so much better, and the interactions between your parties feels great. if they had updated 4 into the 5 engine, with some updated combat as well, it would EASILY be the best game in the franchise, bar fucking none
Certified KINO

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bitch Persona 4 is the best paced one out of them all. whatever you do dont play 3.

Yu: just no.

if you needed somebody else to "fix" her for you then you never understood the appeal in the first place

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If you can't play Golden then vanilla should still be fine. I did the same when Golden wasn't on PC yet.

>Is there any justification for playing P4 when Golden is out?
Fuck no, ignore anyone that tries to say otherwise.

>Is P3:FES dated compared to P5?
It's a PS2 game, of course it is.

>Will I like it?
Depends on what you liked and disliked about P5. P3 is very much its own experience despite setting up the modern Persona formula.

That curry is exactly why I didn't wife up either of them. Can't have a waifu that can't cook

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>Naoto will never be real
>even if she was she wouldn't like me

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Real chads cook themselves

What's her appeal?

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i haven't cried in a game since i was a kid. what's happening to me?

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Closet homosexuals looking for a beard

>Yosuke is homeless by the time P5 happens

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She learns how to cook, though?

>social link is about helping her make something that's at least edible, giving her the foundation to be actually good by the time she's ready to marry
>spinoffs ignore this because le funneh epic mystery food x
One of the best things P5 did was make it so that every girl could cook reasonably decently instead of pushing that shit gag yet again.

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i get it. she's the easiest to hang out with and talk to. she'd probably be up for pegging too

none of the other girls seem like they'd enjoy a long hike and then a campout with a tent

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P4 vanilla is a pretty similar experience to P4G, you are only really missing out on some QOL updates and some additions to the story. P3:FES feels extremely dated compared to P5 as there is far less content, no controllable party members and there is only one dungeon which is basically mementos. The story and characters are still good but I just couldn't really get into it and dropped it after like 30 hours

i was gonna replay FES on my ps2 rather than emulation but my Sony Trinitron's picture is kinda fucked but more importantly the audio is basically shot

Classic tomboy for people who understand what tomboys actually are.

i wonder...

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Where is the guy from one of the first quests, who wants to know hobbies of his crush?
He just disappeared from the classroom before I had a chance to ask her three times.

What's her appeal?

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Wow I forgot how shit everything looked on a CRT

double dating me and chie + her and kanji

Huge tits

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Nerdy boy is secretly a kinky bombshell of a woman

Like Kanji she's for people who are not yet gay but not quite ready to take the plunge.

shes cute

appeals to closeted fags like kanji

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finally got rid of that stupid hat and started dressing like her gender

God fucking damn it, Lyn is so deliciously thick in one

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He's dead, Jim.

The exact moment she switches the pitch of her voice higher during the rank 10 romance event.


Cute loyal and tries to improve herself.
Also has the best timeskip design.

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No, it's not the neck...

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shes cute and intelligent.

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What's her appeal?

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>Both Yosuke and Teddie now live in Yu's closet and hang out 24/7
I'm OK with this.

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got a clip? tried looking on youtube but it's all english

>Official art gives Yukiko huge tits and a fat ass
It's almost like they're telling us something..

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What's her appeal?

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