ITT: IRL vidya bosses

ITT: IRL vidya bosses

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Nice to meat you

im not a muslim though

I need to get back into keto

>I've got a beef with you

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gaga did it better

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Can you imagine being in the same room as that thing? Fucking horrifying.

The skull is a kinda cool though

What a based chad.

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Mr and Mrs Hightown

>if it wasnt for gun owning his wife would be raped, h would be beaten to a pulp and his house would be looted

The meat man's salty flavors can overwhelm anyone regardless of faith

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They're just random encounters

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I really wanna find that pimped out union boss again.

Based thots destroyers. Too bad that cuck bin salamn made them weak.

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>guy with a fucking assault rifle
>woman with a fucking kiddie pistol
kek. also, why are retards acting like they were in the wrong here?

>noooo you're supposed to let me rob you this is my revolution!
that is why you never relinquish them.

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This guy is an ambulance chaser who definitely miss going to get fucked for flagging people. The Karen too.

>why are retards acting like they were in the wrong here?

Cause they're retards
The couple was absolutely in the right

The woman has no trigger discipline

What do they do?

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ITT: random off-topic images

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what the hell is she doing, what stance is that. also that thing won't do any damage

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god are those fucking steak armor plates? I'm hungry as fuck

What a fucking retard

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Arabs are fuckin chads. I envy these bros. Wish I had the balls to throw fags off of buildings.

>I love animals
i don't lol

Ok Karen.
Yeah, I too defend my house while barefoot and with zero trigger discipline

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sent ;) to the local police

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You can only defeat her if you pay her a tribute in sperm. I hope you got a big load user

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When you are at the final level and you have to fight all the important bosses in a boss rush

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so? how does that relate to my post? are you trying to imply they're in the wrong because the woman doesn't know to keep her finger off the trigger?

Still voting Trump.

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>Law/Neutral/Chaos rep

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this is why bosses should have a randomized appearance

lol why?

I bet you defend shit

You don't point a gun at people unless you intend to kill them. These people were walking down a (private, sure) street and not staying.

The woman has no trigger discipline but mostly it's that their news masters tell them to never disobey the Roving Horde™

Pic is my submission to the thread theme

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