The Last of Us Part II GAMEPLAY thread

Soul. Pure fucking soul.

Playing through the suburban houses in Seattle Day 2 was some of the greatest vidya experiences I've had. And that's just one of several incredible set pieces in this masterpiece. Holy shit there's nothing more fun than ducking and diving through houses, hiding under beds and blasting people in the face when they peek.

Zig Forums keeps saying its a generic cover shooter but its absolutely not. If you attempt to treat it that way you will be rekt because the environments are three dimensional. You need to be in constant motion switching between stealth and attacking. Camping in one place is absolutely not a viable strategy, even for a short while. You need to make use of everything at your disposal and there's no fucking way you can have a "gameplan" because the situations are so dynamic. Shit, just thinking about the Seattle TV Tower encounter gets me excited.

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>Zig Forums keeps saying its a generic cover shooter but its absolutely not
they're just coping bc they will never get to play a game like this on their favourite platfroms, ignore them
RE fags are the ones who are absolutely seething because Part II made their REmakes look like PS2 games

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Who are you trying to convince? The people seething at TLoU2 on Zig Forums don't even have consoles and consider watching youtube playthroughs as a legitimate way of experiencing games.

It's a gameplay thread for people to discuss gameplay on a video game forum. What's your favourite encounter in the game?

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Mental illness.

just quit shilling this garbage already

>scripted as fuck
>awful controls
>30 fps with dips
No thanks

Tlou might as well not be a game.

Was the movie good?

t. never played it

Playing on survivor is 100% an intense gameplay experience.

reddit tranny raid day 4

I remember the first time I shot someone from under a car. Someone nearby heard me and as I was crawling away they GRABBED ME BY MY FEET, pulled me out and started choking me. The gameplay is fucking phenomenal.

the parts with jesse as companion felt comfy

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Constantly cut with hours of cinematics.
I know it has serviceable gameplay, I played the first.
The gameplay is still absolutely not why people play this trash.

Top notch animation right here, almost next gen

It looks fun if you skip the cutscenes. I'll probably get it used. I dont give jews money if I can help it.

i just walk around stealth killing everything so i don't waste ammo that i've had max of for the past 5 hours.

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I loved the hospital with Nora. Also the little house with Scars on the way to the aquarium.

I too love scripted cinematic press-x-to-cutscene gameplay

but it is what this thread is about

There is stealth game play 3rd person shooter and item management. And all 3 systems work great together. Combined that with some great animations during combat and you have some great gameplay.

The part with Ellie (the area that you get arrows from the body that’s on the step, you meet up with Jesse here) the dogs In that made it really intense, and there weren’t that many bricks around to throw off their scent, which meant I had to move considerably fast but also smart it doesn’t help that I purposely didn’t kill the dogs

the online multiplayer was extremely popular

stealing webms now are ya

Who else loves going prone so they can see Ellie's ass jiggle as she crawls?

I want to have SEX with Ellie

it's from my playthrough

>go prone in some grass
>run around a corner

The game is super easy and repetitive. It needs online play, because the story is not worth a fuck.

The game's only gameplay sin is that it's controller-based. As someone more used to mouse aiming in shooters, it made encounters more troublesome
The trade off being that if it were made for M/KB, stealth would be a bit clunkier due to no analog sticks

you're a valueless cunt

>playing on easy