Do you still play on yours?

Do you still play on yours?

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sometimes when i'm super bored


modded 3ds is amazing, it reminds me of the psp modding golden years.

I bought one for cheap earlier this year and its a lot of FUN.

It's my main console. I have a PS4 and a PC, but there's something about the 3DS that makes it comfier. You don't have to deal with updates and shit, and games are more tailored to be played on the go - so not a lot of cutscenes, loading screens and such.

Plus it's a God-tier emulation machine.

I play Puyo Tetris on it

I sold it years ago, but now I regret it. I’m thinking of picking up a 2DS XL

Hack one and you can play every gb/gbc/gba/ds/3ds game.
Pretty good value, especialy since original hardware is the only way to enjoy those dual screen touch controls games properly.

I bought it just for monster hunter and pokemon games but got bored out of both so it just sits in my shelf for 2 or 3 years

walmart has N2DSXLs for 99 dollhairs if you still haven't picked it up

Still trying to get through Dragon Quest VII. Alltrades Abbey and going back to work a few weeks ago has killed a lot of my motivation though

I wish I got one

I still have some games to finish. I cracked mine (it's easy).

Yea, just waiting for the switch to be as easy to hack as the 3ds

Still haven't beaten SJR and haven't even started SMT4/SMT4:A
Also most of the G-rank in MH4U and MHXX

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>not a lot of cutscenes
tell that to Pokemon Gen 7

any jrpg that combat-wise like persona? i fell asleep playing dragon quest

Mine won't turn on anymore and I don't know what to do. It's a launch model one.

I do. I actually like the 3d gimmick and I'm trying to grow my collection of games just for that one feature.

Bunch of smt games. Smt IV is good.

I just ordered an off market charger for mine since I can’t find the one it came with

I know I'm just being autistic, but I hate playing DS games on 3DS. Either you have the resolution wrong or you aren't using the full screen. The DSi XL is a way underrated model, you get big screens at the correct resolution for DS and guaranteed dual IPS screens, no lottery like with the 3DS, and excellent build quality. Only real downside is that glossy top shell, easy to scratch up and shows fingerprints like crazy.

Persona q or q2. Supposedly the latter is better for what it’s worth. Even though they’re just Etrian odyssey reskinned

smt iv and apocalypse
better than persona

Just grab that 99 dollar "new" 2DS XL at Walmart like says. Launch 3DS model sucks.

I love my dsi xl, but it has a image retention problem in the top screen that drives me nuts.

What about all my data though?

Im trying to mod my 2DXL and it's a 11.8.0. From what i understand i should just update my console to firmware 11.13. and try the seedminer? I don't want to mod through a flash cart. Does this sound correct?

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Just hack it and pirate whatever games you got on there.

I've hacked it and put in some emulators, but I'm still unsure, I really want to know if I got the "right" games, so I'll be occupied for a looong time. Can I post my list of the ROMs for opinions?

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>hacked mine
>barely touched the damn thing ever since then
Why am I like this?

Is emulating legal? I really want to play the older Fire Emblems, but I really want to buy a device just for that if I can legally run an emulator.

Why do you need Zig Forums's opinion of all places. If you don't like something just don't play it — it's that simple.