
Will Skullgirls still be at EVO this year?

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No, because a white woman with big tits and a big belly villainized a Jew.

Jannies need to stop deleting threads, Skullgirls is videogames and people are just going to keep making more and more threads to dab on MikeZ.

What I don't get is why they updated with art that just makes the animations objectively worse.
Like a skirt that suddenly grows two inches longer to cover up a slight panty shot. Just looks horrible and unnatural in motion.
And in this one, it just doesn't make sense for her skirt to remain so perfectly flat and unaffected by her falling forward. Doesn't make sense.

So the first girl's story was a big nothing burger, what have the other ones that came out after her been accusing him of?

It also doesn't make sense for it to flip up like that when she's moving forward. Unless she's unleashing a massive brap as she falls.

To be fair the left image’s skirt stretches for some reason to facilitate the exaggerated panty shot. If that was the intention, ok. But they specifically said that all the panty shots are supposed to look natural. Some panty should be showing but it’s drawn off there.

I hope not.
It'd be great if Mike Z, Skullgirls, AND the dumb white bitch shotacon ALL got cancelled.
Literally a win-win-win.

It's kind of too late to replace it now as much as I'd love to see Power Rangers show up

stop pretending that you see 1-2 frames of inbetweens, and stop pretending like they changed the majority of the game when it was at most 2 sprites

I think it's too late for Skullgirls to get removed from online EVO and maybe MrWiz needs the viewership from online EVO stay afloat so it's a maybe

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There are people mounting up against her for the pedo shit but I highly doubt anything will stick. It's okay when women do it

also stop pretending that you play flighting games or skullgirls for that matter

Nah, she's white.
This has actually happened to quite a few white female artists who drew shota/yaoi underaged shit and they ALL got cancelled.
Women might be immune, but WHITE women are not.

I find it funny we can’t have “drama” threads, but other twitter threads stay up, and not to mention all the ass and titties I see here.
Can we have a vote or something? I feel like this is “gaming related” considering there’s like 16 different twitter posts about TLOU2. I mean make this a META thread, we’re allowed to have one of those right?

Why do we want skull girls canceled when both /our girl/ and /our boy/ worked on it?

MikeZ is a fag, Bunny is a hypocrite, Skullgirls is trash.
I want them all cancelled, and you white kids better get used to it, because it's 100% happening.

I'll believe it when I see it

I wanna know why Alex Myers immediately threw Mike under the bus without even reading the logs. Is he thirsty for that downie puss too?

Man, you still don't know how this works, do you?
It's okay, you're about to learn real fast.

no its been replaced by a more female friendly game:Arcana Heart 3: Love Max Six Stars!!!!!! XTEND

Nothing wrong with 2d shotacon. Probably the only actual opinion of hers I agree with. Which I thought she would just not even be bothered by his autistic reply, but girl gotta find some attention somehow.

>Nothing wrong with 2d shotacon.
Yea, that's not how Twitter sees it.
She's 100% fucked.
Legitimately think it's over for MikeZ because the floodgates are open now. All because he wanted the 3d poon. Sad! Many such cases!

Oh yeah of course twitter crowd wont, she's definitely cancelled on there. Even following Japanese shotacon or lolicon artists get you cancelled.

This is a fucking some fat FUCK named "Bunny Ayumi" Now, I'm tired of this Fat FUCK popping up all over my fucking board when I'm looking for a FUCKING video game thread! I don't give a FUCK about the aftermath of ANY of you coomer fags that feel sorry for this greasy fuck! You fat fucking disgusting:
Cabbage-Patch Face having
Dr. Robotnik looking
WingStop eating
McDonalds gorging
T-Rex arm having
Non-vegetable eating
Cook with a George Foreman grill just to drink out the drip tray
Wide load
Hungry-Hungry Hippo
Pretending to have a fucking thyroid problem
Whale slash Free Willy
Part bus
*blows up cheeks then exhales* *POP* Kirby!
Salad dodger
Chair crusher
Butter ball
Go to subway but put EVERYTHING on it
Michelin Man
Happy because Hostess is back in business motherFUCKER!

I know there's gonna be a lot of people out there calling me a bully, well guess what? I'M NOT! I just don't feel sorry for fat fucking people, especially fat fucks who sit there all day, gorge and eat, and make money for absolutely nothing! While a bunch of sorry fucks like yourself play into it!
*does pull-ups*
You don't like what the fuck I'm saying? Then FUCK YOU!

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We have never needed LTG more than now.
It's a shame we'll never see a white LTG equivalent since white guys worship pussy like it's a god.

>buying game for "muh booty muh booby"
>it's a fighter in which you will most likely see this frame for less than half a second
Do coomers really?

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BunnyAyumi's non-nude photographs:

At this point, i'm honestly just waiting for the inevitable "Due to recent events, we are dropping Skullgirls from our lineup" message.

Let's hope not.
Maybe this cancel culture can do something good for the world for change.

>the dumb white bitch shotacon
what ?

The girl accusing him has multiple posts of her lusting after shota/loli but nothing will come of it because she's a woman who got "disrespected".

You guys gonna help this fucking detective out?

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