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I didn't get into the test. Show me more lolis

I wonder when all these chinese interns will get banned, this marketing campaign is so obvious that it hurts, probably because they can't even be bothered to out in a bit of effort

>associating China, a country capable only of copying western games to a level sometimes bordering with theft and releasinf anime waifubaiting gachas with "soul", actuallt kill yourself

If you reply with something like "cope" or "dilate" I'll start suspecting that its all bots

Asia really has a boner for european architecture.

Are the codes already out?

>All it takes is a picture and a single word to make mutts seethe this hard

Well, gothic and baroque architecture is fucking beautiful.

Is it an mmo? Are we going to have roaming Klee squads asking for piggy back rides?

Because whem you see the same shit dozen of times get shilled with minimal effort, you can tell this is just chinese interns marketing their nevest souless product

It's going to be a gacha. That's all that you need to know.

>Chinese game
Fuck off Xi.

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You can't just say "soul" and not post a single thing about the game

does it coop?

What's gonna be the gacha part? You gotta pay to roll for new characters?

Is there any multiplayer?

gothic architecture is germanic eye-aids
muh pompousness
muh detail
fuck you, the simplicity of classicism is miles better

I just did. What now you piece of filth?

>t. Jew

Classicism is fucking boring to look at.

Off yourself chink

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shut the fuck up swampnigger

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anyone with taste does

>tfw no MMO with this artstyle
DQX doesn't count as it is JP onry


There was peria chronicles but it got canned.

That's where you wished you lived you loathsome roach.

That's just culture less neo-roman architecture that was built to absolute shit for two centuries.
>Muh Hitler's favorite style

Wow looks lovely! Did it come to PC?

Checked myself, has coop, but neutered where you can't play the whole game together.
Too bad chinks, dropped.

Not yet.

Just like Breath of The Wild, got it.

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I don't think you understand what gacha is if you're equating it with amiibo faggotry. And the video you're posting actually proves it works just as a nice side feature and not is not intended as a tedious farming process unless you're an amiibo nigger. You're not paying money to actually enhance your experience.

Ah yes, a RANDOM CHANCE to get a desired item is not gacha anymore.
You have to pay for the fucking amiibo on top of it and there's no way of getting it in the game without it.
Fuck off.

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I have amiibos and I don't use them at all in BotW. I really don't understand what you're even trying to argue here.

It's okay when Nintendo does it.

Nintendo doesn't do gacha in BotW. And you're failing hard proving that they do by establishing false equivalences. At least cite Mario Kart Tour as an example.


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>random chance of getting desired item
>not gacha
Then what the fuck is it