

Attached: 1591295083749.png (861x1400, 1.39M)

I'll toast to that!

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My wife!

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She is too slutty

cute wife

careful buddy, thats my wife you're talking about

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strong emphasis on the "No"

how could you say no to this?

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I've almost +10'd her in FEH!

thats lewd user

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it's a thousand years old dragon user

post more cute nowi

Nah > Nowi


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I wonder what the other warriors thought about my Robin banging a dragon who looked like a 10 year old girl. I bet Lissa teased him about it.

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I really don’t know who would dare to date someone like Nowi, you would get labeled as a pedo instantly.


Well someone would be labeled as a furry to fuck Panne or her race would go extinct. Someone has to take one for the team, and it may as well be someone who enjoys it.

If we're talking about a medieval setting like in FE, a young wife is normal. If it was in modern times, if she explains she's someone way older than she actually looks what's the problem?

>But you see your honor, she only LOOKS like a child, she's actually a 1000 year old dragon

>Based taste, user is innocent, court adjourned.