
user pls buy my potions. I put so much effort into making them

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Why can't I just make my own?

I'll even give you a 20% discount!

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Imagine the "interesting" potions she can brew

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Yeah but, so what?

>He doesn't brew explosive potions

You don't need potions to make a bang. Potions would be more dangerous to carry around if they were explosive.

What would you prepare for mommy Roxanne?

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I'll just place recettear instead of this trash

looks like fortnite

>great animation gone to waste on western anime

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>A magical potion shop simulator/RPG
Sounds interes-

That's a shame.

Guess I won't be buying it anymore

>Literally every developer both east and west is doing this

What games do you even play then?

bethesda games

A lot, I just don't pay for them.

So is this a shitty Atelier rip off?


F*CK Potion Sellers.

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Is this the "trannies rent free" mentality of gaming?

And the whole "wah, devs using game art to support their beliefs, wah"
If it's not actually in the game in any contextual way, who gives a fuck? They're using their game as a platform, get over it, everyone does it with whatever they do.There is a huge difference between the retarded virtue signalling shit in The Last of Us, and an easy to miss flag painted on the side of a SEWER LEVEL.

Learn the difference.

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>uses cute jap art for promotional material
>uses fugly western 3D model for actual gameplay
Why do companies do this

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Dunno, hopefully they'll still have the 2D artwork in the game in some way. Maybe on the cards.

Your potions are too weak for me

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>She is pansexual

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My potions can do anything that you can

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So she fucks children?

Damn, BASED!

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>still no steam page

No she specifically fucks ageless lolis and shotas, hence the (peter) Pansexual