Flayn is for ____!
Fish Disposal
Just one of tha guys.
piggy back rides
>mfw my brother won’t let me pull out one of my own teeth to make an awesome legendary sword.
being cute
Her being 1000 yrs old is not a good excuse
for what exactly?
No Flayn no gain
I dont care
Was Flayn's mom a human? Or some other god I don't know about?
It’s implied she was human. Seteth first met her in a chapel in Embarr.
anal with flayn.... flaynal!
You're right... it's a motivation.
Has vinny ever even played a fire emblem game?
LITERALLY made for Byleth thanks to her Adjutant Bonus with him.
Byleth is such a loving grandma
I want Flayn to sneak into my room and molest me while i sleep
He played fire emblem Three houses off stream and found it too easy (playing on normal) I dont know if he finished it
He mentioned he finished Golden Deer and had no interest in the other routes. He also played Awakening and I think streamed it before Fullsauce was a thing?
>He mentioned he finished Golden Deer and had no interest in the other routes
Understandable. He already witnessed the best route.
What is it about retarded girls that makes their unbridled lust so hot?
i was told that the male dragon was her brother but let me guess that male dragon is actually the father of the little girl dragon, right?