2021 GOTY.
2021 GOTY
lol the fucking foxes won
turn base gameplay to the rescue
Who is the Kingmaker character that they said would cameo?
Baldurs Gate 3 is gonna blow it out the water
Wait it's going turn based too?
You can choose between RTwP and turn based, just like Kingmaker. The turn based mode for Kingmaker is only a mod but it will be officially implemented in August
Is it good? How's it compare to Divinity 2?haven't played pillars 2 Deadfire yet but for their turn based mode they rebalanced the entire game
We don't know. But it probably won't be anyone from the playable characters in KM since the plot of WotR takes place right during the Pitax war.
It's gonna be a somewhat important side character or an antagonist that would have the time and freedom to go fuck around in another country, and who would still be around by the Pitax chapter of Kingmaker so the list is rather short.
That one faye? The one that gives you a good pet name and helps out a bit against the worm wizard and old hag.
As if the other options were any better?
I don't think any balance changes were made or are necessary. The game actually plays better turn based because the game rules it is adapting is from a tabletop game. Unlike Deadfire, you can switch between modes any time so you can use real time for dealing with weak enemies that require little thought. The only issue I have with the turn based mode is that the pathfinding AI is a bit wonky so there are some times when a turn gets wasted because they walked in a roundabout way and consumed all their movement before reaching the intended spot. Hopefully the official turn based mode won't have such an issue.
Trickster Chad ww@?
Shyka? Maybe. One of the two Eldest (Shyka or the LK) from KM being the cameo are one of the most common guesses I've seen.
Especially since the Trickster path is supposed to be somewhat linked to the fey.
All the races had furries on their side, but fagfoxes also had weebs on their side.
Not much of a surprise really.
Easy win by foxchads, considering the vast majority of ratfags didn't even know ratfolk lore in Pathfinder and was screeching about their skaven.
It's great. Like mentioned, rarely you'll lose an action because the character tries running around in circles and gets stuck, but that happens very rarely.
Unfortunately you have to switch to RTwP sometimes because the game was designed around it, with all those meaningless copypaste trash encounters that just exist to extend the gameplay time.
But difficult encounters and boss battles are super enjoyable in TB.
2021 GOTY will be Cyberpunk dlc
Excuse you, rats would've been way better.
Handsome buggers
>play as a fox golden dragon chaotic nootroll xhe/xim angelkin
I'm not sure I like this setting
I guess if they make all the features they have cut in the last 18 months DLC, it could be great
You could always play as Neutral good Fighter Human Legend
Kitsune, or fox folk, are vulpine shapeshifters known for their love of both trickery and art. Kitsune possess two forms: that of an attractive human of slender build with salient eyes, and their true form of an anthropomorphic fox. Despite an irrepressible penchant for deception, kitsune prize loyalty and make true companions. They delight in the arts, particularly riddles and storytelling, and settle in ancestral clans, taking their wisdom from both the living and spirits.
Quick-witted and nimble, kitsune make excellent bards and rogues. It is not uncommon for one to pursue sorcery, while those few born with white fur and pale eyes usually become oracles.
Physical Description: A kitsune has two forms—a single human form and its true form, that of a humanoid fox. In their human forms, kitsune tend toward quickness and lithe beauty. In all forms they possess golden, amber, or brilliant blue eyes. In their true forms, they are covered with a downy coat of auburn fur, although more exotic coloration is possible.
Society: Kitsune society is enigmatic, as kitsune prize loyalty among their friends but delight in good-natured mischief and trickery. Kitsune take pleasure in the pursuit of creative arts and in all forms of competition, especially the telling of stories interwoven with tall tales and falsehoods.
Relations: Kitsune deal well with elves and samsarans, but their reputation as tricksters follows them when they interact with other races. Many kitsune, particularly those who dwell in mixed-race societies, choose to hide their true natures and pose as humans in public.
Alignment and Religion: Kitsune tend to be neutral, or of alignments with a neutral component. Most kitsune worship the goddess of craftsmanship.
Adventurers: Keenly interested in adding their own names to the myths and legends of explorers and heroes of old, Kitsune adventurers range across the world.
>furry enabling
dont know this game and now I know I never will
>the same furfags that ruined warcraft are now destroying the only acceptable version of DnD out there
Lets hope we get some NEW monsters that are as strong as those Kobolds and Owlbears (on hard +).
For example
We are going in the Abyss, user.
We fight demons, not devils
What's the difference?
t. normalfag
lawful evil vs chaotic evil
What about fiends? Does devils have some good big bad to look forward to, i imagine some patron god? maybe the 4 horseman of death?
Yeah. There are those. Both sides have evil/good/lawful/chaotic gods and powerful beings farting about