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Beauty standards have changed

Ultimateflop2020 thread?

Its the same woman, but now she is a ftm trans

The model and texture quality took a nosedive. They looked almost uncanny in 2013, now it looks like Mass Effect Andromeda lol

2020 looks like My Face Is Tired Effect Andromeda. I get changing the look of the default character, but da fuk?

Isn't there face customization? If so who gives a flying fuck what the default face looks like? Also why the fuck are men playing as a female character anyway? Get a fucking girlfriend.

It's a customizable character.
Also, you shouldn't be playing a female anyway you fucking faggot.

I'm 30 and never had sex or gf. It ain't happening

>If so who gives a flying fuck what the default face looks like?
Zig Forums, that's pretty much it. They predict the game to be a flop because of this and pretty much nothing else