Zig Forums Realistically speaking, has Microsoft Series X a chance against Sony PS5 ?

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It doesn't. Especially with Europe getting more and more refugees. First thing they do is get a Ps4 with Fifa or COD. It was either too expensive in their country, or not available.


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yes but only if they denounce BLM

no, who would buy an xbox in 2020?

>using social media as a metric to predict success

Social media is important to gauge interest


not likely. I'm around normalfags all the time for my job and they all seem to be getting a PS5.

What do you mean by a "chance"?
Playstation is the more powerful brand and will sell more. That doesn't mean that Xbox is bad or worse.
Imagine caring about sales of a console, as a customer. Unless the console you want is having Atari Jaguar-level sales, you'll get games to play. You shouldn't care about sales unless you work for the company

Everyone will say no but people also didn't think PS4 would reverse Sony's fortune after the 360 had complete market saturation over that gen and PS3 was a complete bungling into a slow drip. Their fortunes are almost completely reversed in the following gen. Microsoft makes a big mistake with the Xbone and Sony sweeps the gen. Fans are fickle. Complete backwards compatibility and Xbox Game Pass are good steps

b-but my consolewar


Who knows. But ps5 being ugly as shit is making it somewhat possible. I can't imagine that massive ugly piece of shit in my living room.

>has Microsoft Series X a chance against Sony PS5
If they use their vast money reserves to undercut sony and get good games, anything is possible.

Reminder if you genuinely care about if more people bought your preferred toys rather than something else you're a massive faggot.

It's "best" chance would be to reach the level of Apple computers compared to Windows ones. The PS brand in Japan and most of Europe is too strong for Microsoft to win a generation.

Console wars are retarded but healthy competition in the industry is a good thing. Complete and utter failures like the Wii U and Xbone also bring about much needed change and rethinking of approach. Nobody ever would have expected that Microsoft would go from the Xbone launch to the most consumer friendly company of the three

if they don't make some retard announcement like the obligatory online, kinek always on and pay for borrowed games, maybe they have a chance


>Sony shills STILL in damage control mode

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It's all timing and marketing and always has been. There were zero indicators or reasons the Switch should have been such a hit. It functionally did LESS than the Wii U and had tiny shitty gimmick controllers but look at it now. Nobody though Microsoft would dominate Sony and Nintendo back during the 360 days either but they got out ahead of the curve with Xbox Live

The xbox brand is literally a forced meme that only survived gen 6 because it's propped up by a multigorillion dollar megacorp. It has never turned a profit and its entire consumer base consists of a small percentage of amerifats


Realistically speaking, MS has bounced back to not being perceived as shit the way the were in 2013 but they have almost no exclusives of note.
Their efforts to buy up studios aren't really a big deal for many since it's all no name studios and everyone still remembers how the destroyed Rareware
They will probably exist as the 3rd wheel games box with decent features but I doubt they'll be able to catch up to Sony/Nintendo in terms of unique momentum
If they could double or triple down on their backwards efforts I'd probably get one if it meant most of my old original Xbox games and 360 games could run on a SeX but even then, that's a tall order.
I'd probably wait a year or two before considering a PS5 though
Thing looks like its bound to have some issues on day one and I really want to know what their backwards situation is like as far as PS4 discs.


But since it can essentially replace my Bone X keeping all the games and shit I'll definitely get one.

>complete backwards compatibility
This doesn't mean jack shit if the console your box is bc with is the Xbox One
If OG Xbox and 360 were both fully compatible you'd see people singing a different tune for sure but that's not the case
Fans are fickle but so far aside from the goofy design, PS5 seems like a very safe play from Sony which is all it needs to be and you won't see risky plays from MS because look how that turned out from them with TVTVTV

I have 100 physical Xbox 360 games and they are all A+ titles.

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once bloodborne II is announced it will cause the collapse of xbox and pc gaming altogether. and Zig Forums will remind you of this fact every single day for the next 3-4 years afterword.

Oh, I'm sure of it.
Can you just remind me of something? Out of the 110 million PS4 players, how many actually bought Bloodborne?

Face it, this game is only worshipped on online gaming forums. Normans don't know what a bloodborne is

I'm not sure if the series x will but if the series s ends up with something like a 200/250 price then it could have a chance