What's even the point of a solo ninja build if you can't wallrun to get behind enemies?

what's even the point of a solo ninja build if you can't wallrun to get behind enemies?

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What is even going to be left in this game by the time it's out?

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the article in OP image isn't fake unlike the one in yours

real talk
was it actually removed or were the journos just not allowed to buy it
the 2018 demo said specifically that its an endgame ability nad the journos were playing from the start so ...

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Hey, you‘re right!
>next news: ninja build removed

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It's going to suck, isn't it?

You didn`t get the news? Movement abilities were cut, now you can only walk and then run a little faster

major cope, cybertranny.

threadly reminder that this dude is literally in the game

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one of two likely explanations:
>1: it was so powerful that everyone would buy it and the game would turn into that cyber ninja simulator and they didn't want this
>2: it was janky as fuck and they didn't know how to fix it because of detailed, bumpy walls in the game
what do you think?

why is this board so fucking spoiled? who cares man.

third option
>they forgot about it when designing locations and it allowed for unintended skips and broke event triggers

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No thanks, shill

a combination of those things and feature creep
probably would have to design shit around wall running as well

>Expecting the bare minimum of game devs making shit work and designing around problems is being "spoiled"
The absolute STATE of nu-gamers. Literally just telling people to accept mediocrity at this point.

its a fucking game you moron, they don't owe you a single feature. if you don't like it buy your indie trash games.

>wall running is bare minimum
k retard. it's not like a game like that costs 100million+ to make
how can you be so fucking pathetic to cry over video game feature?

Can't remember the last time I saw an article about this game that wasn't saying another feature was removed.

But you can costumise your genitalia!

Ist it just me or is there a weird focus on removed features in the reporting of this game? I wasn't even aware it was supposed to have wall running, a controllable robot, car customization and third person scenes... until they mentioned that they removed it.

>wallrun to get behind enemies

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Balding beard? wtf

Dont worry bros instead we will get exciting perks and unlocks like
>+25% critc power
>+20% health
>+30% movement speed

>didnt spoil myself with the hype, didnt watch or read spoilers and showcases
>features i never heard of getting cut doesnt impact me
>will buy the game as it will be fully 100% featured

Feels good not to be a braindead consoomer

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I don't get it but Keanu Reeves or the advertising team or whatever has people jizzing over this game like it's some genre defining amazing revolutionary shit, but with more anticipation comes more scrutiny

Reminder that CDPR still denies that they ever downgraded The Witcher 3

>Richard C. Mongler
I never thought I'd see that name again

Wtf am i supposed to play then?
Help me Zig Forums

It's the new Cybershill defense tactic, as if claiming these articles are fake when they simply aren't is going to accomplish anything.


Then you clearly haven't been watching any of the gameplay released so far and don't actually care about this game.

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>article makes no sense
and then u read that last line cutoff and it puit a smile on my face

Probably the latter, combined with general laziness

i expect more that they couldn't be bothered to go through the whole game testing if they can exploit or skip anything with wall-running

honestly should be delayed another year