>one man brings the entire industry to its knees, seething in burning rage
It's now officially, Jason is /ourguy/, and beyond based.
One man brings the entire industry to its knees, seething in burning rage
He's a good journalist, yes. Zig Forums reactionaries don't care about his actual credentials though since he looks nerdy and can get pretty preachy at times
He's a petty jew child that cannot stand to be upstaged. When people leaked TLOU2 he was seething only to then leak the new Star Wars game days later.
hes literally the only one who at least tries to be a "journalist" and not just a paid shill
go away jason
Not the entire industry, Japan tends to keep things pretty tight
Actually this. He's still an insufferable faggot most of the time though.
How the fuck does someone like that get a well paid job? Dude is the definition of an ugly unlikable rat.
His articles are fine. Every other part about him is untenable.
fuck this subway jared looking motherfucker
this dude literally never played a single game
>Jason "sorceress from dragon's crown is cp" Schreier
>Jason "everyone i don't like is alt-right" Schreier
Now it's your turn Zig Forums.
Because leaking the name and setting of a game is the exact same as leaking the entire story and cutscenes of a game?
Games journalist is not a good job
Ethnic nepotism.
He's looking good, spiffy
>all these shills defending someone who makes a highschool blogger look like Edward R. Murrow
Smells like ResetEra in here
He's one of those supposed "anti-corporate" jews, which confuses me and makes me wary of him
All jews should be killed
Zig Forums will never admit that a few like him really do their job and report how game companies mistreated their employees or have shady practices and literal scams. They don't want real journalists, they want curators who tell them that the game they are gonna buy it's the best ever, whore consumers.
it wasn't rape sir i just inserted the tip not the whole penis.
Can't get mad at a dude doing his job. Jason Schreier would probably not be my friend if I had met him in college, but he sure does his job competently, especially relatively speaking.
He does actual good journalism but he's very unlikable
shoo shoo
sure if his job is about being a whiny bitch
>well paid
these guys make 50-60 tops and work way more than 40h
>tfw everything is about an agenda and personalities get praise not for the value of their work, but how effectively they btfo "the enemy"
I'm fucking tired.
He shills for Sony all the time.
He's right on both counts, you coombrained faggot.
Its only natural that 2 Jews would fight over the shekel on the floor, like two stray dogs fight for food.
He complained about leaks when he got shitlisted by Bethesda for leaking FO4. His hypocrisy is his worst quality.
what about the skillup guys making that shark game review video all about making fun of TLOU2 and the soibois who pretend it's dumb ''revenge is bad'' story is some kind of masterpiece?
definitely our fucking guys
No, not even close
>Pristine Condition thinking posting his ebin NeoFAG screencaps is going to sway anyone
Go back to where you came from, faggot
I don't need to like him. He's not my friend. I don't read Twitter so I don't care what's his opinion on salami or whatever is trending. I only ask for journalist do their job and don't let corporations trying to scam us.
He's fine.
What did he do?
I used to give him some respect until he said "Akshually you shouldn't leak the game it only hurts the hard work of everyone involved" like some corporate piece of shit.
It was even worse when he essentially said "you should have come to me before leaking it".
Him making the TLOU2 niggers seethe is fun tho. Hope he keeps it up.