Halo 3 PC

After years of memes and legends, we're actually getting it on the PC. What does Zig Forums think?

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dead already pcfags don't play gaems

It's going to be a buggy, unplayable mess at launch so what do I care.

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Dead in less than a month

the hit detection is shit, even more than the original, but it's the most solid port they've done otherwise

When exactly?

Nobody is excited to play an almost 15 year old multiplayer game again that was fun during a time when online multiplayer on console was something fresh and exciting.
Playing Halo 3 on Steam is not even half as fun. Nobody has a mic, nobody's excited, it's a fucking part time job playing that game like every other multiplayer game nowdays.

You sound absolutely pathetic.

>thinking the MCC will be bug free enough for people to play it
I've come here to shotgun kill you from across the map by aiming at the floor.

They put out a blogpost explaining why the hit registration is shit, and hinted that it's going to be delayed until it gets fixed.

>mfw I've been invited to literally every flight but keep forgetting about it until literally the day after its over

I feel like an ass

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I get to finally hopefully play Halo 3 coop with 3 other friends, so all is good personally

Overrated shit series, generic in everything and is so shilled just because it was the first online FPS experience for xbonefags

i didn't care then and i certainly don't give a fuck now. if i ever get the smallest itch to even do care, i'll pirate it. which will never happen.

>playlists are completely fucked
>3k players
All I wanted was to play BTB and invasion. Fuck you 343 you gigantic faggots

be nice if i could get a match for once. hardly anybody in this side of the world cares for Gaylo

I don't know about this. It just wouldn't feel right on pc.

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>Nobody is playing BTB because it takes forever to matchmake
>Can't see player counts on the playlists because that'd kill BTB even further
Fuck 343.

All of my buddies who I used to play it with are parents now, so I probably won't pick it up.

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What exactly are you searching for? Because I've been playing BTB every couple of nights and finding matches right away.

Not him but everything but H2A because H2A sucks donkey dick

Then just use a controller smooth-brain

Are you searching AR starts?

don't fall for it. every single Halo port has been a garbage fire due to technical problems and this one's no different.

Yes, every single thing except for H2A. Can sit in matchmaking for an hour and not find a game or a single player. It sucks and 4v4 gets boring real quick.

Maybe that explains it. I only search DMRs and get matches constantly.


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What does that matter? If I got everything checkmarked it should search for any of the stuff.

Probably because precision starts is all people are searching for in BTB.

Halo 1, Halo Reach, Halo 2, Halo 2: Anniversary (even though I don't like H2A).

US East times: Unless I'm looking at 9PM-12AM at night, the game is DEAD for BTB.

I've searched it a bit earlier than that and got games. Never tried earlier in the day, though.

How come pcfags are so awful at halo which was supposed to be a console kiddie game?
Literally no one contests power weapons and meme modes like sw*t are common on mcc pc

We already had it and more with Eldewrito

all they need to do is to increase the velocity of the weapons lol

>No campaign
As much as I like ElDew, it wasn't the complete experience.

I mean you can get games around 7PM if you're wanting to wait 5 minutes in matchmaking. But there is barely anyone playing BTB unless late at night because it takes FOREVER to actually get into a match.