Capcom's new IP: PRAGMATA (PS5)
So is this the 2nd "stranding" type game?

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lmao. Capcom is making walking simulators now?

Hope the games good but this has cancel written all over it.

>This and bomber girls
Capcom is based and cunnypilled


You'd have no idea this was a Capcom game without being directly told so.

She is way too sexy

she loos like she fucks BBC men


Eugene Gu

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What the FUCK?! She's a CHILD you sick fuck
mutt's law

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Might as well not exist, at least one game from every Sony presentation gets canned, this will probably be it.

>coming 2022
Why even announce it now...

butthurt small dick crackers mad hat lolis love BBC

>until proven to be jewish
fucking kek

it looks like the RE engine, I don't think anyone outside of Capcom has developed for it

little girls want fat old man dick

she looks cute and funny

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>Coming 2022
Lmao fuck off

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I hope not
Death Stranding was fucking trash

>no gameplay

What would your family think if they saw this post?
Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
This goes for all other pedos in this thread. You are sick and if your family knew they would find you repulsive

>first blacks took our fat ass women, now they're taking our lolis

not like this

Pragmata? More like PRAGNANT

Huh, maybe janny isn't so wrong for nuking these threads from orbit

is this the stealth cp thread?

its also on PC dumbass faggot shill OP

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Oh boy; it'll be the PS5's Deep Down

you guys are gross and creepy

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>these threads are very dangerous. Zig Forums is an echo chamber. a bubble where it's "cool" and "hip" to be attracted to images of underage children. because any opposition to this point of view is met with ridicule, people on here get a warped view on things, where they think it's "ok" or "normal" or "just ironic dude". I'm here to tell you that no - it is not. If you are so far gone already that you deem this a non issue, it's time for you to step back from the computer and back into real life for a bit.

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is it just me or did they finally use that fake as kojima astronaut suit? Fucking faggot kept baiting us with Death Stranding only to have the whole BADASS MOON SPACE MAN be a fucking gay ass god damned kike key chain

I don't give two fucks about this game, just give me more art of her.

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Post a photo of your gamer girl feet


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Why are little girls so fucking sexy?

That's the biggest selling point for me. I haven't played a Capcom game I've liked since Phoenix Wright.


Its normal for men to find little girls sexually attractive.

because you are a fucking pedo

No. It is the 2nd Deep Down type game though.

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Wish he did something with her

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Because they've not yet been corrupted and turned into abominations by clown world, and they have all their fertile years ahead of them. Several billion years of instinct causes you to see them as a viable future for you.



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Explain what you like about little girls without sounding like a pedophile. Go ahead and try

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theyre tiny and cute and you can pick them up by the neck with one hand


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they don't wear makeup and still look better

They're adorable, pure and beautiful

They just are

just answered your question

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why can’t they make dragon’s dogma 2 instead, stupid cunny game.

That's konami dumbass

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I like cute things

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