Wuh-what the hell? I thought Japan was based

Wuh-what the hell? I thought Japan was based....

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Japan is the only country in the world that puts mosaic filters on their porn.

loli porn is fine but no violence!

CERO is one of the most maligned establishments in Japan. Literally run by conservative old geezers who think violent video games turn people into bloodthirsty psychopaths.
PC version will remain untouched. Guess there's some loophole that prevents CERO from touching it.

Guess we can add the custom genitalia to the list of removed features now.

>violence is okay but drawings are wrong

This is a good thing though, if it anime girls were being censored it would be bad though.

Yes we can have double standard.

You've never noticed the pixelated genitals in 99% of hentai?

Japan has always censored violence, newfag.

Imagine wanting to see tranny penis. The absolute state of Americans.

based japan not wanting their youth to be exposed to this cia propaganda piece. All trannies niggers and kikes can rot in hell

Attached: 1571591919890.jpg (640x640, 55.74K)

>certain combinations of pixels are fine, but not all

>censoring faggot fetish shit
Yeah fucking right, they are censoring the gore. Japs love degenerate sex shit, most of them are pedophiles.

>japan protecting their non-degenerate population from tranny genitalia
>not based
You got it all backwards fella

Japan can't handle genitals because they're insecure about their dick sizes so they censor them EVERYWHERE. It's also the reason they're so obsessed with their careers. It's a whole nation compensating.

CERO in japan is more Cancerous than ESRB in the west user.

Censorship is based.

Sounds improved to me.

Japs love degenerate fetishes because vanilla genitals are censored, it's the whole reason why notDicks like tentacles are a thing.

I'm actually fine with both.

>most of them are pedophiles
Every single man on planet Earth is a pedophile, the Japs are the only people who aren't afraid to say so.

Every man is attracted to other pubescent humans. Not pre-pubescent children. The whole point of entering puberty is to make you viable as a sexual partner. God I fucking hate americans and their constant retarded misuse of "pedophile". Learn how your own fucking language works. If the object of your lust has entered puberty they are no longer children, they're adolescents, and being attracted to them no longer fits the definition of pedophilia no matter how fucked up or not fucked up being attracted to them is.

>Every single man on planet Earth is a pedophile
you mean hebephile

Unlike consoles, no Operation System company can regulate what kind of programs can be run. ESRB, CERO and PEGI aren't exactly mandated by law, but rather, the developers can self rate their product. Hentai games are rarely rated by ESRB for example, as the publisher/developers already put a +18 rating on it.

Maybe it's about time Japan got over its (originally western instated) laws against nudity. They show drawn and real tits in public, but apparently can't handle wang and minge? We just need a based politician to change that.

>(originally western instated) laws against nudity

Japan's obscenity laws have been around since the Meiji restoration period.

porn content :D

They censor them because of a post war law instated by the US because the Americans thought it would help them be more civilized

>barbarians drop two bombs on your country then force censor genitalia to "make you civilized" while being the top producer of porn and pretty much the least civilized western nation
Even when you're not expecting it, americans turn out to be the cause of the problem. It's amazing.

When western influence was at it's second strongest in Japanese history, the first being post war occupation.

Read up.
>The 1868 Meiji Restoration saw the emperor restored to a position of authority at the head of a constitutional monarchy and Edo was renamed Tokyo (Eastern capital). The new Meiji regime established a much more comprehensive and rigorous censorship system which meant that Edo-period erotic classics were only allowed to be reissued in new book format in bowdlerised versions (Suzuki 2012). Indeed, as late as the 1980s, Japanese collections of erotic prints from the Edo period were still having offending details masked over before publication.

>One of the first edicts delivered by the Supreme Command for the Allied Powers (SCAP) after the surrender of August 1945 required the dismantling of the Japanese censorship system (Rubin 1988: 169). The Press Code for Japan, announced in September 1945, provided an extensive list of guidelines for prohibited material – mainly focusing on militarist propaganda, political issues and criticism of the Allies. The Code made no mention of erotic or pornographic content, as it was considered the job of the Japanese police to survey such materials.

tl;dr Japan established laws against pornography, among other forms of literary/artistic endeavors, during the Meiji Period to ensure there would be no western distractions or criticism directed towards the Emperor. During Western occupation the US was only interested in stamping out Imperial edict. They didn't give a shit about the porn.

>the first being post war occupation.
