Confess your sins, Zig Forums
>I play on Easy or Normal mostly
Confess your sins, Zig Forums
i said confess
Nothing wrong with playing on Normal. Most developers don't bother designing a fun hard mode and instead just globally increase enemy stats.
I played dusk and amid evil with a controller
I havent left my apartment in 3 years and im leeching off my mom and rotting every day now leave me be
she will die one day
go for a walk user. you can do it.
And some people say animals don't have souls, they just have a lower level of consciousness compared to humans.
I rejected both of the girls that have asked me out and now i'm alone in my room.
how hot are they
One is ogre tier and the other one was super nerdy and I got made fun of for dating her for a day, so I dumped her. She's now lesbian and super liberal.
This is video games perfected. Every other video game is just a shitty distraction at best.
I take great pride in knowing that most of Zig Forums would be filtered by it.
fuckin this
I used a guide to beat level 57 of Bubble Bobble
I couldn't beat Dark Souls 3
I enjoy 2k Basketball and constantly fight the temptation of buying their retarded in game currency.
Do I need an arcade stick? 99 is getting old and TGM sounds nice
I still haven't beaten Castlevania 2 or 3 and only just beat Doom 1 and 2 a month ago.
I remember beating Max Payne 3 on Hard first and I absolutely regretted it by the end of the game. If your head was in a visible place for longer than a half second, you were already dead.
Zig Forums - Video Games
I skip every single cutscene that is skippable in a game. Not a sin actually I just wanted to piss some of you off.
If you're not in a game in less than 15 seconds after hitting start, it's a shit game. If that's a sin, I don't want to be pure.
Texmaster 2009 is probably the best way to play it. Download it from Tetrisconcept, it's a fanmade pc game that replicates the TGM games very well because input lag from emulation will make it practically impossible to play the fastest speeds.
It has a complicated setup but you can use keyboard controls. Personally I'm getting a stick because I feel like part of the fun is the momentum from controller inputs.
go away, not vidya
How is confessing that you don't follow popular opinions when gaming not vidya?
I beat La Mulana remake with a guide
'cause it's only when you like vidya's
I used to play on a faction server in Minecraft back in 2012 and I would use Xray to find people bases underground.
I play alot of games, but only finish 20% of them. I'm sorry.
Other than fighting games I do my first playthrough on normal. Then I sometimes do another normal run for NG+
I like (((cinematic))) games and get invested in them a lot more than any other type of game
You just reminded me that I became my sister. Buys video games and then never fucking plays hardly any of them. What have I become?
a girl lmao
Yeah you rot, fine, but does your mom deserves that? If you are just gonna waste your life at least give it a purpose and support those who got your back even if you don't give a shit about it.
You might think you are not doing any harm by doing nothing, but that's not right, you are hurting literally the only person in this hell of a planet that gives a shit about you, start small but at least try for that person
The games I loved playing as a kid definitely led to me having a fetish for anthro women.
I prefer playing with bots over human players
I almost exclusively play visual novels, touhou and obscure rpg maker games. Modern games don't interest me anymore and indie games have stagnated in recent years. I still shitpost constantly in threads about games I have never even seen before.
I savescum in xcom not to win, but to save soldiers I like the most. I don't give a shit about losing mission I shit go south. I don't mind most of my dude getting killed fairly or unfairly. But there's always a handful of dude and gals that I grew fond of (despite sometime the fact they sucks balls) and will shamelessly savescum to save their asses.