Let's buff all the low tiers and make everyone high tier and competitive

>let's buff all the low tiers and make everyone high tier and competitive
Meleecucks BTFO.

Attached: super-smash-bros-cast.jpg (1280x720, 264.83K)


Good, games need more buffs than nerfs.

>add 0.5% damage and 1% more knockback to a move no one uses
Character is now competitively viable. Good job lads.

>Let's have so much input lag and buffering that removes all precision and skill from the game

Cope Meleecuck.

Can't fix the bad gameplay with balance patches

>Let's make every character viable by not designing every character around some linear flowchart

Attached: PPPLUS.jpg (1280x720, 159.23K)

the best solution is to make everybody broken so nobody is broken

Most of the buffs were nothing and barely changed rankings. Only one I think got serious buffs was probably Marth since they actually addressed his problem which was tipper being worthless

Based. If only this had rollback online

t. Meleecuck who doesn't play
Falco is now high to top tier. Cope.

Why do people even shill all these dead projects?

I played melee and I played p+ and both were subpar experiences compared to ultimate. Is it really only because of Nintendo's netcode?

Because otherwise I wouldn't be able to say why people attach themselves to some meme mods with meme balance and other bullshit that would never fly with the majority of players. These things only thrive on having a splinter group

marth is shit even after the buff
he doesn't have kill confirm, fair and bair don't work properly, dancing blade is fucking random

Because Ultimate takes no skill and has no interesting mechanics

So, is Corrin fun again?

Not enough glitches for you?

yeah i cant bring myself to enjoy ultimate unless i can use a controller with a factory defect to more easily execute bugs and glitches

what ?

Fact: Bugs and glitches make a game more interesting

she's definitely better but her movement speed is still horrible

>Input delay
>Shit online
>Shit single player experience(offline)
>Shit multiplayer experience(online)
>Only """good""" with friends
>DLC is shit
>Trophies replaced with jpegs
Why wasn't this the most hated smash game again?

Fact: If Melee didn't have said bugs and glitches, it would be dead by now.

Wavedashes are confirmed by Sakurai to be intentional. Controller discrepancies have been fixed for years now. New techniques are still being discovered 19 years later.

of course
without them, the game would be worse

Let me know when the online is on par with original xbox live.

>enjoy ultimate
>enjoying the laggiest smash game
What are your favorite items, user?

I'm not even a Melee cuck and ultimate is a fucking laggy mess. Smash 4 genuinely was better even with the rage bullshit, down throw to imagination combos, Bayonetta, shitty patch notes, and horrible single player modes. Least I could fucking play the game without input delay and cheesey bullshit like in ultimate.

Attached: 1431814892249.png (1074x1080, 622.88K)

It rode the hypetrain of the switch. It had every character which seemed amazing to casuals especially since the wii u sold like ass and many normies never played smash 4. Majority of smash players are complete shitters so they didn't notice the massive input delay and they loved ultimate's buffer system because they have the reflexes of newborn babies. Brawl was long enough ago that most people didn't even think to compare, even though it was the best casual experience ever offered (Subspace, trophies, stickers which were rebranded as spirits). DLC is a just a copefest where ultimatefags pretend there's too many people to please even though the characters most people ask for never get in the game.

i get the point, but come on
>down throw to imagination combos
>Least I could fucking play the game without cheesey bullshit
these 2 couldn't be more wrong

Wow you must feel like a different unique person.
Smash 4 sucks and it's outclassed now, good thing it died along with the Wii U.

It had potential to be good and people were hopeful, turned out it's just knowing matchups and auto-combos with no depth.